Matthias Neumann
Matthias Neumann
Institute of Statistics, Graz University of Technology
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Physical basis of amyloid fibril polymorphism
W Close, M Neumann, A Schmidt, M Hora, K Annamalai, M Schmidt, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 699, 2018
Predicting effective conductivities based on geometric microstructure characteristics
O Stenzel, O Pecho, L Holzer, M Neumann, V Schmidt
AIChE Journal 62 (5), 1834-1843, 2016
Quantitative relationships between microstructure and effective transport properties based on virtual materials testing
G Gaiselmann, M Neumann, V Schmidt, O Pecho, T Hocker, L Holzer
AIChE Journal 60 (6), 1983-1999, 2014
Machine learning techniques for the segmentation of tomographic image data of functional materials
O Furat, M Wang, M Neumann, L Petrich, M Weber, CE Krill III, V Schmidt
Frontiers in Materials 6, 145, 2019
Hierarchical Structuring of NMC111-Cathode Materials in Lithium-Ion Batteries: An In-Depth Study on the Influence of Primary and Secondary Particle Sizes on Electrochemical …
AC Wagner, N Bohn, H Geßwein, M Neumann, M Osenberg, A Hilger, ...
ACS Applied Energy Materials 3 (12), 12565-12574, 2020
Quantifying the influence of microstructure on effective conductivity and permeability: virtual materials testing
M Neumann, O Stenzel, F Willot, L Holzer, V Schmidt
International Journal of Solids and Structures 184, 211-220, 2020
Role of mutations and post-translational modifications in systemic AL amyloidosis studied by cryo-EM
L Radamaker, S Karimi-Farsijani, G Andreotti, J Baur, M Neumann, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 6434, 2021
3D microstructure effects in Ni-YSZ Anodes: Prediction of effective transport properties and optimization of redox stability
O Pecho, O Stenzel, B Iwanschitz, P Gasser, M Neumann, V Schmidt, ...
Materials 8 (9), 5554-5585, 2015
Stochastic 3D modeling of complex three-phase microstructures in SOFC-electrodes with completely connected phases
M Neumann, J Staněk, OM Pecho, L Holzer, V Beneš, V Schmidt
Computational Materials Science 118, 353-364, 2016
Stochastic 3D modeling of La0. 6Sr0. 4CoO3− δ cathodes based on structural segmentation of FIB–SEM images
G Gaiselmann, M Neumann, L Holzer, T Hocker, MR Prestat, V Schmidt
Computational Materials Science 67, 48-62, 2013
Hydrostatic Pressure Increases the Catalytic Activity of Amyloid Fibril Enzymes
TQ Luong, N Erwin, M Neumann, A Schmidt, C Loos, V Schmidt, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 (40), 12412-12416, 2016
Large-scale statistical learning for mass transport prediction in porous materials using 90,000 artificially generated microstructures
B Prifling, M Röding, P Townsend, M Neumann, V Schmidt
Frontiers in Materials, 497, 2021
Big data for microstructure‐property relationships: A case study of predicting effective conductivities
O Stenzel, O Pecho, L Holzer, M Neumann, V Schmidt
AIChE Journal 63 (9), 4224-4232, 2017
Estimation of geodesic tortuosity and constrictivity in stationary random closed sets
M Neumann, C Hirsch, J Staněk, V Beneš, V Schmidt
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2019
Tortuosity and microstructure effects in porous media: classical theories, empirical data and modern methods
L Holzer, P Marmet, M Fingerle, A Wiegmann, M Neumann, V Schmidt
Springer, Cham,, 2023
Detection of Colchicum autumnale in drone images, using a machine-learning approach
L Petrich, G Lohrmann, M Neumann, F Martin, A Frey, A Stoll, V Schmidt
Precision Agriculture 21, 1291-1303, 2020
On a pluri-Gaussian model for three-phase microstructures, with applications to 3D image data of gas-diffusion electrodes
M Neumann, M Osenberg, A Hilger, D Franzen, T Turek, I Manke, ...
Computational Materials Science 156, 325-331, 2019
Analysis of the 3D microstructure of tape-cast open-porous materials via a combination of experiments and modeling
SH Ibrahim, M Neumann, F Klingner, V Schmidt, T Wejrzanowski
Materials & Design 133, 216-223, 2017
Classification of FIB/SEM-tomography images for highly porous multiphase materials using random forest classifiers
M Osenberg, A Hilger, M Neumann, A Wagner, N Bohn, JR Binder, ...
Journal of Power Sources 570, 233030, 2023
On variability and interdependence of local porosity and local tortuosity in porous materials: a case study for sack paper
M Neumann, E Machado Charry, K Zojer, V Schmidt
Methodology and computing in applied probability 23 (2), 613-627, 2021
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