Daniel Schanz
Daniel Schanz
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Dept. of Experimental Methods
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Shake-The-Box: Lagrangian particle tracking at high particle image densities
D Schanz, S Gesemann, A Schröder
Experiments in fluids 57, 1-27, 2016
Non-uniform optical transfer functions in particle imaging: calibration and application to tomographic reconstruction
D Schanz, S Gesemann, A Schröder, B Wieneke, M Novara
Measurement Science and Technology 24 (2), 024009, 2012
From noisy particle tracks to velocity, acceleration and pressure fields using B-splines and penalties
S Gesemann, F Huhn, D Schanz, A Schröder
18th international symposium on applications of laser and imaging techniques …, 2016
Acoustic cavitation, bubble dynamics and sonoluminescence
W Lauterborn, T Kurz, R Geisler, D Schanz, O Lindau
Ultrasonics sonochemistry 14 (4), 484-491, 2007
Comparative assessment of pressure field reconstructions from particle image velocimetry measurements and Lagrangian particle tracking
PL Van Gent, D Michaelis, BW Van Oudheusden, PÉ Weiss, R de Kat, ...
Experiments in Fluids 58, 1-23, 2017
‘Shake The Box’: A highly efficient and accurate Tomographic Particle Tracking Velocimetry (TOMO-PTV) method using prediction of particle positions
D Schanz, A Schröder, S Gesemann, D Michaelis, B Wieneke
PIV13; 10th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, Delft …, 2013
3D Lagrangian particle tracking in fluid mechanics
A Schröder, D Schanz
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 55 (1), 511-540, 2023
Lagrangian 3D particle tracking in high-speed flows: Shake-The-Box for multi-pulse systems
M Novara, D Schanz, N Reuther, CJ Kähler, A Schröder
Experiments in fluids 57, 1-20, 2016
Advances of PIV and 4D-PTV” Shake-The-Box” for turbulent flow analysis–the flow over periodic hills
A Schröder, D Schanz, D Michaelis, C Cierpka, S Scharnowski, CJ Kähler
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 95, 193-209, 2015
Multi-exposed recordings for 3D Lagrangian particle tracking with multi-pulse Shake-The-Box
M Novara, D Schanz, R Geisler, S Gesemann, C Voss, A Schröder
Experiments in Fluids 60, 1-19, 2019
Molecular dynamics simulations of cavitation bubble collapse and sonoluminescence
D Schanz, B Metten, T Kurz, W Lauterborn
New Journal of Physics 14 (11), 113019, 2012
Advanced iterative particle reconstruction for Lagrangian particle tracking
T Jahn, D Schanz, A Schröder
Experiments in Fluids 62, 2021
The complex aerodynamic footprint of desert locusts revealed by large-volume tomographic particle image velocimetry
P Henningsson, D Michaelis, T Nakata, D Schanz, R Geisler, A Schröder, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12 (108), 20150119, 2015
Experimental study of secondary vortex structures in a rotor wake
CC Wolf, C Schwarz, K Kaufmann, AD Gardner, D Michaelis, J Bosbach, ...
Experiments in Fluids 60 (11), 175, 2019
Shake the box: a 4D PTV algorithm: accurate and ghostless reconstruction of Lagrangian tracks in densely seeded flows
D Schanz, A Schröder, S Gesemann
17th International symposium on applications of laser techniques to fluid …, 2014
Large-scale volumetric flow measurement in a pure thermal plume by dense tracking of helium-filled soap bubbles
F Huhn, D Schanz, S Gesemann, U Dierksheide, R van de Meerendonk, ...
Experiments in Fluids 58, 1-19, 2017
Experimental Investigation of the Log-Law for an Adverse Pressure Gradient Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow at Re θ  = 10000
T Knopp, D Schanz, A Schröder, M Dumitra, C Cierpka, R Hain, CJ Kähler
Flow, turbulence and combustion 92, 451-471, 2014
Experimental analysis of the log law at adverse pressure gradient
T Knopp, N Reuther, M Novara, D Schanz, E Schülein, A Schröder, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 918, A17, 2021
FFT integration of instantaneous 3D pressure gradient fields measured by Lagrangian particle tracking in turbulent flows
F Huhn, D Schanz, S Gesemann, A Schröder
Experiments in Fluids 57 (9), 151, 2016
Acoustic cavitation and bubble dynamics
W Lauterborn, K Thomas, R Mettin, K Philipp, D Kroeninger, D Schanz
Archives of Acoustics 33 (4), 609–617, 2008
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