Javier Gutierrez Illan
Javier Gutierrez Illan
Washington State University / Oregon State University / University of York
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Changes to the elevational limits and extent of species ranges associated with climate change
RJ Wilson, D Gutiérrez, J Gutiérrez, D Martínez, R Agudo, VJ Monserrat
Ecology letters 8 (11), 1138-1146, 2005
An elevational shift in butterfly species richness and composition accompanying recent climate change
RJ Wilson, D Gutierrez, J Gutierrez, VJ Monserrat
Global Change Biology 13 (9), 1873-1887, 2007
Combined effects of climate and biotic interactions on the elevational range of a phytophagous insect
RM Merrill, D Gutiérrez, OT Lewis, J Gutiérrez, SB Díez, RJ Wilson
Journal of Animal Ecology, 145-155, 2008
Global homogenization of the structure and function in the soil microbiome of urban greenspaces
M Delgado-Baquerizo, DJ Eldridge, YR Liu, B Sokoya, JT Wang, HW Hu, ...
Science advances 7 (28), eabg5809, 2021
Global hotspots for soil nature conservation
CA Guerra, M Berdugo, DJ Eldridge, N Eisenhauer, BK Singh, H Cui, ...
Nature 610 (7933), 693-698, 2022
Precipitation and winter temperature predict long‐term range‐scale abundance changes in Western North American birds
JG Illán, CD Thomas, JA Jones, WK Wong, SM Shirley, MG Betts
Global Change Biology 20 (11), 3351-3364, 2014
Soil biodiversity supports the delivery of multiple ecosystem functions in urban greenspaces
K Fan, H Chu, DJ Eldridge, JJ Gaitan, YR Liu, B Sokoya, JT Wang, HW Hu, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 7 (1), 113-126, 2023
Assessing the ecological niche and invasion potential of the Asian giant hornet
G Zhu, J Gutierrez Illan, C Looney, DW Crowder
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 117 (40), 24646-24648, 2020
The contributions of topoclimate and land cover to species distributions and abundance: fine‐resolution tests for a mountain butterfly fauna
JG Illán, D Gutiérrez, RJ Wilson
Global Ecology and Biogeography 19 (2), 159-173, 2010
Soil contamination in nearby natural areas mirrors that in urban greenspaces worldwide
YR Liu, M van der Heijden, J Riedo, C Sanz-Lázaro, D Eldridge, F Bastida, ...
Nature Communications, 2023
Elevational trends in butterfly phenology: implications for species responses to climate change
JG ILLÁN, D Gutierrez, SB Diez, RJ Wilson
Ecological Entomology 37 (2), 134-144, 2012
Models of presence–absence estimate abundance as well as (or even better than) models of abundance: the case of the butterfly Parnassius apollo
D Gutiérrez, J Harcourt, SB Díez, JG Illán, RJ Wilson
Landscape ecology 28 (3), 401-413, 2013
The global distribution and environmental drivers of the soil antibiotic resistome
M Delgado-Baquerizo, HW Hu, FT Maestre, CA Guerra, N Eisenhauer, ...
Microbiome 10 (1), 219, 2022
The global contribution of soil mosses to ecosystem services
DJ Eldridge, E Guirado, PB Reich, R Ochoa-Hueso, M Berdugo, ...
Nature Geoscience 16 (5), 430-438, 2023
Fine‐scale determinants of butterfly species richness and composition in a mountain region
JG Illán, D Gutierrez, RJ Wilson
Journal of biogeography 37 (9), 1706-1720, 2010
Linking inter‐annual variation in environment, phenology, and abundance for a montane butterfly community
JE Stewart, JG Illán, SA Richards, D Gutiérrez, RJ Wilson
Ecology 101 (1), e02906, 2020
Synergistic effects of climate and land-cover change on long-term bird population trends of the western USA: a test of modeled predictions
MG Betts, J Gutiérrez Illán, Z Yang, SM Shirley, CD Thomas
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 186, 2019
Efficiency and equity of orbital motorways in Madrid
JC Martín, JC García-Palomares, J Gutiérrez, C Román
Journal of Transport and Land Use 3 (1), 67-84, 2010
Landscape structure and climate drive population dynamics of an insect vector within intensely managed agroecoystems
J Gutiérrez Illán, EH Bloom, CH Wohleb, EJ Wenninger, SI Rondon, ...
Ecological Applications, 2020
Seasonal effects of wind conditions on migration patterns of soaring American white pelican
DTK Javier Gutierrez Illan, Guiming Wang, Fred L. Cunningham
PLOS One 12 (10), e0186948, 2017
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