Rolf Bjerkvig
Rolf Bjerkvig
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Whole genomes redefine the mutational landscape of pancreatic cancer
N Waddell, M Pajic, AM Patch, DK Chang, KS Kassahn, P Bailey, ...
Nature 518 (7540), 495-501, 2015
DNA methylation-based classification of central nervous system tumours
D Capper, DTW Jones, M Sill, V Hovestadt, D Schrimpf, D Sturm, ...
Nature 555 (7697), 469-474, 2018
Cost of migration: invasion of malignant gliomas and implications for treatment
A Giese, R Bjerkvig, ME Berens, M Westphal
Journal of clinical oncology 21 (8), 1624-1636, 2003
The origin of the cancer stem cell: current controversies and new insights
R Bjerkvig, BB Tysnes, KS Aboody, J Najbauer, AJA Terzis
Nature Reviews Cancer 5 (11), 899-904, 2005
Long-term cultures of bone marrow–derived human mesenchymal stem cells frequently undergo spontaneous malignant transformation
GV Røsland, A Svendsen, A Torsvik, E Sobala, E McCormack, ...
Cancer research 69 (13), 5331-5339, 2009
Anti-VEGF treatment reduces blood supply and increases tumor cell invasion in glioblastoma
O Keunen, M Johansson, A Oudin, M Sanzey, SAA Rahim, F Fack, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (9), 3749-3754, 2011
CD133 negative glioma cells form tumors in nude rats and give rise to CD133 positive cells
J Wang, PØ Sakariassen, O Tsinkalovsky, H Immervoll, SO Bøe, ...
International journal of cancer 122 (4), 761-768, 2008
Glutamine synthetase activity fuels nucleotide biosynthesis and supports growth of glutamine-restricted glioblastoma
S Tardito, A Oudin, SU Ahmed, F Fack, O Keunen, L Zheng, H Miletic, ...
Nature cell biology 17 (12), 1556-1568, 2015
Stem cell-associated heterogeneity in Glioblastoma results from intrinsic tumor plasticity shaped by the microenvironment
A Dirkse, A Golebiewska, T Buder, PV Nazarov, A Muller, S Poovathingal, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1787, 2019
Critical appraisal of the side population assay in stem cell and cancer stem cell research
A Golebiewska, NHC Brons, R Bjerkvig, SP Niclou
Cell stem cell 8 (2), 136-147, 2011
Local endostatin treatment of gliomas administered by microencapsulated producer cells
TA Read, DR Sorensen, R Mahesparan, PØ Enger, R Timpl, BR Olsen, ...
Nature biotechnology 19 (1), 29-34, 2001
Spontaneous malignant transformation of human mesenchymal stem cells reflects cross-contamination: putting the research field on track–letter
A Torsvik, GV Røsland, A Svendsen, A Molven, H Immervoll, ...
Cancer research 70 (15), 6393-6396, 2010
In vivo models of primary brain tumors: pitfalls and perspectives
PC Huszthy, I Daphu, SP Niclou, D Stieber, JM Nigro, PØ Sakariassen, ...
Neuro-oncology 14 (8), 979-993, 2012
EGFR heterogeneity and implications for therapeutic intervention in glioblastoma
E Eskilsson, GV Røsland, G Solecki, Q Wang, PN Harter, G Graziani, ...
Neuro-oncology 20 (6), 743-752, 2018
Effect of Epidermal Growth Factor on Glioma Cell Growth, Migration, and Invasion in Vitro
M Lund-Johansen, R Bjerkvig, PA Humphrey, SH Bigner, DD Bigner, ...
Cancer research 50 (18), 6039-6044, 1990
Angiogenesis-independent tumor growth mediated by stem-like cancer cells
PØ Sakariassen, L Prestegarden, J Wang, KO Skaftnesmo, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (44), 16466-16471, 2006
Human microglial cells have phenotypic and functional characteristics in common with both macrophages and dendritic antigen-presenting cells
E Ulvestad, K Williams, R Bjerkvig, K Tiekotter, J Antel, R Matre
Journal of Leucocyte Biology 56 (6), 732-740, 1994
Multicellular tumor spheroids from human gliomas maintained in organ culture
R Bjerkvig, A Tønnesen, OD Laerum, EO Backlund
Journal of neurosurgery 72 (3), 463-475, 1990
HAMLET kills tumor cells by an apoptosis-like mechanism—cellular, molecular, and therapeutic aspects
C Svanborg, H Ågerstam, A Aronson, R Bjerkvig, C Düringer, W Fischer, ...
Advances in cancer research 88, 1-29, 2003
Expression of extracellular matrix components in a highly infiltrative in vivo glioma model
R Mahesparan, TA Read, M Lund-Johansen, K Skaftnesmo, R Bjerkvig, ...
Acta neuropathologica 105, 49-57, 2003
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