The dynamics of innovation: from National Systems and “Mode 2” to a Triple Helix of university–industry–government relations H Etzkowitz, L Leydesdorff Research policy 29 (2), 109-123, 2000 | 14427 | 2000 |
The triple helix: University–industry–government innovation and entrepreneurship H Etzkowitz, C Zhou Routledge, 2017 | 7922 | 2017 |
The future of the university and the university of the future: evolution of ivory tower to entrepreneurial paradigm H Etzkowitz, A Webster, C Gebhardt, BRC Terra Research policy 29 (2), 313-330, 2000 | 4821 | 2000 |
Universities and the global knowledge economy: A triple helix of university-industry-government relations H Etzkowitz, L Leydesdorff London/NewYorkContinuum, 2002 | 3484 | 2002 |
Innovation in innovation: The triple helix of university-industry-government relations H Etzkowitz Social science information 42 (3), 293-337, 2003 | 2925 | 2003 |
Research groups as ‘quasi-firms’: the invention of the entrepreneurial university H Etzkowitz Research policy 32 (1), 109-121, 2003 | 2852 | 2003 |
The norms of entrepreneurial science: cognitive effects of the new university–industry linkages H Etzkowitz Research policy 27 (8), 823-833, 1998 | 2423 | 1998 |
Emergence of a Triple Helix of university—industry—government relations L Leydesdorff, H Etzkowitz Science and public policy 23 (5), 279-286, 1996 | 1901 | 1996 |
The evolution of the entrepreneurial university H Etzkowitz International Journal of technology and globalisation 1 (1), 64-77, 2004 | 1705 | 2004 |
The triple helix as a model for innovation studies L Leydesdorff, H Etzkowitz Science and public policy 25 (3), 195-203, 1998 | 1546 | 1998 |
Triple Helix systems: an analytical framework for innovation policy and practice in the Knowledge Society M Ranga, H Etzkowitz Entrepreneurship and knowledge exchange, 107-148, 2015 | 1521 | 2015 |
Entrepreneurial scientists and entrepreneurial universities in American academic science H Etzkowitz Minerva, 198-233, 1983 | 1271 | 1983 |
MIT and the Rise of Entrepreneurial Science H Etzkowitz Routledge, 2002 | 1191 | 2002 |
Athena unbound: The advancement of women in science and technology H Etzkowitz, C Kemelgor, B Uzzi Cambridge University Press, 2000 | 1174 | 2000 |
The innovating region: toward a theory of knowledge‐based regional development H Etzkowitz, M Klofsten R&D Management 35 (3), 243-255, 2005 | 1120 | 2005 |
The endless transition: A" triple helix" of university-industry-government relations: Introduction H Etzkowitz, L Leydesdorff Minerva, 203-208, 1998 | 1051 | 1998 |
Capitalizing knowledge: New intersections of industry and academia H Etzkowitz, A Webster, P Healey suny Press, 1998 | 1026* | 1998 |
The Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations L Leydesdorff, M Meyer Scientometrics 58, 191-203, 2003 | 917 | 2003 |
The triple helix of university-industry-government: implications for policy and evaluation H Etzkowitz Swedish Institute for Studies in Education and Research, 2002 | 905 | 2002 |
Incubation of incubators: innovation as a triple helix of university-industry-government networks H Etzkowitz Science and public policy 29 (2), 115-128, 2002 | 811 | 2002 |