Dr. Alexander Linke
Dr. Alexander Linke
RPTU Kaiserslautern
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
On the divergence constraint in mixed finite element methods for incompressible flows
V John, A Linke, C Merdon, M Neilan, LG Rebholz
SIAM Review 59 (3), 492-544, 2017
On the role of the Helmholtz decomposition in mixed methods for incompressible flows and a new variational crime
A Linke
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 268, 782-800, 2014
A connection between Scott-Vogelius and grad-div stabilized Taylor-Hood FE approximations of the Navier-Stokes equations
MA Case, VJ Ervin, A Linke, LG Rebholz
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 49 (4), 1461-1481, 2011
On the parameter choice in grad-div stabilization for the Stokes equations
EW Jenkins, V John, A Linke, LG Rebholz
Advances in Computational Mathematics 40 (2), 491-516, 2014
Pressure-robustness and discrete Helmholtz projectors in mixed finite element methods for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations
A Linke, C Merdon
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 311, 304-326, 2016
Robust arbitrary order mixed finite element methods for the incompressible stokes equations with pressure independent velocity errors
A Linke, G Matthies, L Tobiska
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 50 (1), 289-309, 2016
An assessment of discretizations for convection-dominated convection–diffusion equations
M Augustin, A Caiazzo, A Fiebach, J Fuhrmann, V John, A Linke, R Umla
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 200 (47-48), 3395-3409, 2011
Collision in a cross-shaped domain–A steady 2d Navier–Stokes example demonstrating the importance of mass conservation in CFD
A Linke
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 198 (41-44), 3278-3286, 2009
Stabilizing poor mass conservation in incompressible flow problems with large irrotational forcing and application to thermal convection
KJ Galvin, A Linke, LG Rebholz, NE Wilson
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 237, 166-176, 2012
Divergence-free reconstruction operators for pressure-robust Stokes discretizations with continuous pressure finite elements
PL Lederer, A Linke, C Merdon, J Schöberl
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 55 (3), 1291-1314, 2017
A discontinuous skeletal method for the viscosity-dependent Stokes problem
DA Di Pietro, A Ern, A Linke, F Schieweck
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 306, 175-195, 2016
Towards computable flows and robust estimates for inf-sup stable FEM applied to the time-dependent incompressible Navier–Stokes equations
PW Schroeder, C Lehrenfeld, A Linke, G Lube
SeMA Journal 75 (4), 629-653, 2018
Stabilized finite element schemes for incompressible flow using Scott–Vogelius elements
E Burman, A Linke
Applied Numerical Mathematics 58 (11), 1704-1719, 2008
On high-order pressure-robust space discretisations, their advantages for incompressible high Reynolds number generalised Beltrami flows and beyond
NR Gauger, A Linke, PW Schroeder
The SMAI journal of computational mathematics 5, 89-129, 2019
Optimal and pressure-independent L2 velocity error estimates for a modified Crouzeix-Raviart Stokes element with BDM reconstructions
C Brennecke, A Linke, C Merdon, J Schöberl
J. Comput. Math. 33 (2), 191-208, 2015
On the convergence rate of grad-div stabilized Taylor–Hood to Scott–Vogelius solutions for incompressible flow problems
A Linke, LG Rebholz, NE Wilson
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 381 (2), 612-626, 2011
On velocity errors due to irrotational forces in the Navier–Stokes momentum balance
A Linke, C Merdon
Journal of Computational Physics 313, 654-661, 2016
A divergence-free velocity reconstruction for incompressible flows
A Linke
Comptes Rendus Mathematique 350 (17-18), 837-840, 2012
Numerical calculation of the limiting current for a cylindrical thin layer flow cell
J Fuhrmann, A Linke, H Langmach, H Baltruschat
Electrochimica Acta 55 (2), 430-438, 2009
Finite volume schemes for the biharmonic problem on general meshes
R Eymard, T Gallouët, R Herbin, A Linke
Mathematics of Computation 81 (280), 2019-2048, 2012
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