Janice Habarth
Janice Habarth
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Development of the gender minority stress and resilience measure.
RJ Testa, J Habarth, J Peta, K Balsam, W Bockting
Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity 2 (1), 65, 2015
Development of the heteronormative attitudes and beliefs scale
JM Habarth
Psychology & Sexuality 6 (2), 166-188, 2015
Toward assessing traumatic events and stress symptoms in preschool children from low‐income families
SA Graham‐Bermann, K Howell, J Habarth, S Krishnan, A Loree, ...
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 78 (2), 220-228, 2008
Internalized transphobia and mental health among transgender adults: A nationwide cross-sectional survey in South Korea
H Lee, KK Tomita, JM Habarth, D Operario, H Yi, S Choo, SS Kim
International Journal of Transgender Health 21 (2), 182-193, 2020
Thinking “straight”: Heteronormativity and associated outcomes across sexual orientation
JM Habarth
University of Michigan, 2008
Self-compassion, social constraints, and psychosocial outcomes in a pet bereavement sample
C Bussolari, JM Habarth, S Phillips, R Katz, W Packman
OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, 0030222818814050, 2019
Continuing Bonds and Psychosocial Functioning in a Recently Bereaved Pet Loss Sample
J Habarth, C Bussolari, R Gomez, BJ Carmack, R Ronen, NP Field, ...
Anthrozoös 30 (4), 651-670, 2017
The euthanasia decision-making process: A qualitative exploration of bereaved companion animal owners
CJ Bussolari, J Habarth, R Katz, S Phillips, B Carmack, W Packman
Bereavement Care 37 (3), 101-108, 2018
Is the sum greater than its parts? Variations in substance-related consequences by conjoint alcohol-marijuana use patterns
C Cummings, C Beard, JM Habarth, C Weaver, A Haas
Journal of psychoactive drugs 51 (4), 351-359, 2019
Coping in Context Community and Natural Resources in Low-Income Women's Environments
JM Habarth, SA Graham-Bermann, EA Bermann
Environment and Behavior 41 (2), 205-232, 2009
Beyond simple differences: Moderators of gender differences in heteronormativity
JM Habarth, SC Makhoulian, JC Nelson, CD Todd, S Trafalis
Journal of Homosexuality 67 (6), 740-767, 2020
Posttraumatic Growth Following the Loss of a Pet: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
C Bussolari, J Habarth, S Kimpara, R Katz, F Carlos, A Chow, H Osada, ...
OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying 78 (4), 348-368, 2019
How Accurately Do Introductory Psychology Textbooks Present Psychoanalytic Theory?
J Habarth, J Hansell, T Grove
Teaching of Psychology 38 (1), 16-21, 2011
Disorder in the Court: Cluster B Personality Disorders in United States Case Law
C Young, J Habarth, B Bongar, W Packman
Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 25 (5), 706-723, 2018
Association between subjective social status and facets of depression self‐stigma
V Bharat, J Habarth, N Keledjian, Y Leykin
Journal of Community Psychology 48 (3), 1059-1065, 2020
Heteronormativity and women’s psychosocial functioning in heterosexual and same-sex couples
JM Habarth, RE Wickham, KM Holmes, M Sandoval, KF Balsam
Psychology & Sexuality 10 (3), 185-199, 2019
Factors Associated with Sexual Dysfunction Symptoms among Veterans who Have Experienced Military Sexual Trauma
J Garneau-Fournier, J Habarth, JA Turchik
International Journal of Sexual Health 30 (1), 28-41, 2018
Assessing the Climate for Sexual Minority Doctoral Students at the University of Michigan
UM ADVANCE Program, 2007
Graduate Coursework in Population-environment Studies: A Working Guide to 30 Universities and Colleges: Departmental Contacts, Course Descriptions, Faculty Listings
J Habarth, M McCarthy
Population-Environment Fellows Program, University of Michigan, 1998
Newspapers y noticias: los periodicos diarios en Mexico y los Estados Unidos
JM Habarth
Eastern Michigan University, 1996
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