Artikkelit, joihin on yleisen käytön mandaatti - Tolga SoyataLisätietoja
Ei saatavilla missään: 4
RF Energy Harvesting for Embedded Systems: A Survey of Tradeoffs and Methodology
T Soyata, L Copeland, W Heinzelman
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine (MCAS) 16 (1), 22-57, 2016
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation
Hybrid solar-wind energy harvesting for embedded applications: Supercapacitor-based system architectures and design tradeoffs
M Habibzadeh, M Hassanalieragh, A Ishikawa, T Soyata, G Sharma
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine (MCAS) 17 (4), 29-63, 2017
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation
Emulating smart city sensors using soft sensing and machine intelligence: A case study in public transportation
C Kaptan, B Kantarci, T Soyata, A Boukerche
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-7, 2018
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
Face Recognition: A Tutorial on Computational Aspects
A Alling, N Powers, T Soyata
Emerging Research Surrounding Power Consumption and Performance Issues in …, 2016
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation
Saatavilla jossain: 22
A survey of healthcare Internet of Things (HIoT): A clinical perspective
H Habibzadeh, K Dinesh, OR Shishvan, A Boggio-Dandry, G Sharma, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (1), 53-71, 2019
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
A survey on cybersecurity, data privacy, and policy issues in cyber-physical system deployments in smart cities
H Habibzadeh, BH Nussbaum, F Anjomshoa, B Kantarci, T Soyata
Sustainable Cities and Society 50, 101660, 2019
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
Federated learning in smart city sensing: Challenges and opportunities
JC Jiang, B Kantarci, S Oktug, T Soyata
Sensors 20 (21), 6230, 2020
Mandaatit: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Quantifying User Reputation Scores, Data Trustworthiness, and User Incentives in Mobile Crowd-Sensing
M Pouryazdan, B Kantarci, T Soyata, L Foschini, H Song
IEEE Access 5, 1382 - 1397, 2017
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation
Emerging Security Mechanisms for Medical Cyber Physical Systems
O Kocabas, T Soyata, M Aktas
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB), IEEE/ACM Transactions on 13 …, 2016
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation
Sensing, communication and security planes: A new challenge for a smart city system design
H Habibzadeh, T Soyata, B Kantarci, A Boukerche, C Kaptan
Computer Networks 144, 163-200, 2018
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
Anchor-Assisted and Vote-based Trustworthiness Assurance in Smart City Crowdsensing
M Pouryazdan, B Kantarci, T Soyata, H Song
IEEE Access 4, 529-541, 2016
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation
Large Scale Distributed Dedicated- and Non-Dedicated Smart City Sensing Systems
H Habibzadeh, Z Qin, T Soyata, B Kantarci
IEEE Sensors Journal 17 (23), 7649-7658, 2017
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
Smart city system design: A comprehensive study of the application and data planes
H Habibzadeh, C Kaptan, T Soyata, B Kantarci, A Boukerche
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 52 (2), 1-38, 2019
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
Machine Learning in Cardiac Health Monitoring and Decision Support
S Hijazi, A Page, B Kantarci, T Soyata
IEEE Computer Magazine 49 (11), 38-48, 2016
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation
Intelligent gaming for mobile crowd-sensing participants to acquire trustworthy big data in the internet of things
M Pouryazdan, C Fiandrino, B Kantarci, T Soyata, D Kliazovich, P Bouvry
IEEE Access 5, 22209-22223, 2017
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
Soft sensing in smart cities: Handling 3Vs using recommender systems, machine intelligence, and data analytics
H Habibzadeh, A Boggio-Dandry, Z Qin, T Soyata, B Kantarci, HT Mouftah
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (2), 78-86, 2018
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
UR-SolarCap: An Open Source Intelligent Auto-Wakeup Solar Energy Harvesting System for Supercapacitor Based Energy Buffering
M Hassanalieragh, T Soyata, A Nadeau, G Sharma
IEEE Access 4, 542-557, 2016
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation
“QT clock” to improve detection of QT prolongation in long QT syndrome patients
A Page, MK Aktas, T Soyata, W Zareba, JP Couderc
Heart Rhythm 13 (1), 190-198, 2016
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Game-Theoretic Recruitment of Sensing Service Providers for Trustworthy Cloud-Centric Internet-of-Things (IoT) Applications
M Pouryazdan, C Fiandrino, B Kantarci, D Kliazovich, T Soyata, P Bouvry
IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 1-6, 2016
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation
Research Directions in Cloud-Based Decision Support Systems for Health Monitoring Using Internet-Of-Things Driven Data Acquisition
A Page, S Hijazi, D Askan, B Kantarci, T Soyata
Services Computing (IJSC), International Journal of 4 (4), 18-34, 2016
Mandaatit: US National Science Foundation
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