Adriane Arteche
Adriane Arteche
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Maternal postnatal depression and the development of depression in offspring up to 16 years of age
L Murray, A Arteche, P Fearon, S Halligan, I Goodyer, P Cooper
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 50 (5), 460-470, 2011
Soft skills in higher education: Importance and improvement ratings as a function of individual differences and academic performance
T Chamorro‐Premuzic, A Arteche, AJ Bremner, C Greven, A Furnham
Educational Psychology 30 (2), 221-241, 2010
The effects of maternal postnatal depression and child sex on academic performance at age 16 years: a developmental approach
L Murray, A Arteche, P Fearon, S Halligan, T Croudace, P Cooper
Journal of child Psychology and Psychiatry 51 (10), 1150-1159, 2010
Configuração familiar e o bem-estar psicológico dos adolescentes
A Wagner, LS Ribeiro, AX Arteche, EA Bornholdt
Psicologia: reflexão e crítica 12, 147-156, 1999
Looking good: Factors affecting the likelihood of having cosmetic surgery
V Swami, A Arteche, T Chamorro-Premuzic, A Furnham, S Stieger, ...
European Journal of Plastic Surgery 30, 211-218, 2008
Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) in Brazilian samples of different age groups: findings from confirmatory factor analysis
R Grassi-Oliveira, H Cogo-Moreira, GA Salum, E Brietzke, TW Viola, ...
PloS one 9 (1), e87118, 2014
A hierarchical integration of dispositional determinants of general health in students: The Big Five, trait emotional intelligence and humour styles
C Greven, T Chamorro-Premuzic, A Arteche, A Furnham
Personality and Individual differences 44 (7), 1562-1573, 2008
The effects of postnatal maternal depression and anxiety on the processing of infant faces
A Arteche, J Joormann, A Harvey, M Craske, IH Gotlib, A Lehtonen, ...
Journal of affective disorders 133 (1-2), 197-203, 2011
Influence of family socioeconomic status on IQ, language, memory and executive functions of Brazilian children
LR Piccolo, AX Arteche, RP Fonseca, R Grassi-Oliveira, JF Salles
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica 29, 2016
Intellectual competence and academic performance: Preliminary validation of a model
T Chamorro-Premuzic, A Arteche
Intelligence 36 (6), 564-573, 2008
Interpretation of infant facial expression in the context of maternal postnatal depression
A Stein, A Arteche, A Lehtonen, M Craske, A Harvey, N Counsell, ...
Infant Behavior and Development 33 (3), 273-278, 2010
The effect of cleft lip on socio‐emotional functioning in school‐aged children
L Murray, A Arteche, C Bingley, F Hentges, DVM Bishop, L Dalton, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 51 (1), 94-103, 2010
Parenting by anxious mothers: effects of disorder subtype, context and child characteristics
L Murray, PY Lau, A Arteche, C Creswell, S Russ, LD Zoppa, M Muggeo, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 53 (2), 188-196, 2012
The relationship of trait EI with personality, IQ and sex in a UK sample of employees
A Arteche, T Chamorro‐Premuzic, A Furnham, J Crump
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 16 (4), 421-426, 2008
Sociocultural adjustment among sojourning Malaysian students in Britain: A replication and path analytic extension
V Swami, A Arteche, T Chamorro-Premuzic, A Furnham
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 45, 57-65, 2010
Young children's probability of dying before and after their mother's death: a rural South African population-based surveillance study
SJ Clark, K Kahn, B Houle, A Arteche, MA Collinson, SM Tollman, A Stein
PLoS medicine 10 (3), e1001409, 2013
Cognitive ability, learning approaches and personality correlates of general knowledge
A Furnham, V Swami, A Arteche, T Chamorro‐Premuzic
Educational Psychology 28 (4), 427-437, 2008
Estudo de validade do DFH como medida de desenvolvimento cognitivo infantil
DR Bandeira, A Costa, A Arteche
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica 21, 332-337, 2008
Bem-estar subjetivo: um estudo com adolescentes trabalhadores
AX Arteche, DR Bandeira
Psico-USF 8, 193-201, 2003
Projetos sociais com adolescentes em situação de risco: Discutindo o trabalho e a orientação profissional como estratégias de intervenção
MP Bardagi, AX Arteche, L Neiva-Silva
Violência e risco na infância e na adolescência: pesquisa e intervenção, 101-146, 2005
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