Wang Yan
Wang Yan
Research Fellow, NTU
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
An optimal estimation framework of multi-agent systems with random transport protocol
H Ren, Y Wang*, M Liu, H Li
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2022
Decentralized control scheme for large-scale systems defined over a graph in presence of communication delays and random missing measurements
Y Wang, J Xiong, DWC Ho
Automatica 98, 190-200, 2018
Static output feedback stabilization of networked control systems with a parallel-triggered scheme
Z Wu, Y Wang, J Xiong, M Xie
ISA transactions 85, 60-70, 2019
Globally optimal state-feedback LQG control for large-scale systems with communication delays and correlated subsystem process noises
Y Wang, J Xiong, DWC Ho
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (10), 4196-4201, 2019
Optimal control of interconnected systems with time-correlated noises: application to vehicle platoon
Y Wang, R Su, B Wang
Automatica, 2022
Optimal decentralized output-feedback LQG control with random communication delay
Y Wang, J Xiong
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 50 (1), 338-350, 2020
Distributed lmmse estimation for large-scale systems based on local information
Y Wang, J Xiong, DWC Ho
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2021
Dynamic event-triggered networked predictive control for discrete-time NCSs under deception attacks
Z Wu, Z Wang, Y Wang*, J Xiong, M Xie
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2022
Decentralised output-feedback LQG control with one-step communication delay
Y Wang, J Xiong, W Ren
International Journal of Control 91 (8), 1920-1930, 2018
QoS-dependent event-triggered control for UAVs on cognitive radio networks subject to deception attacks
Z Wu, Y Wang, A Zhang, J Xiong, M Xie
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023
Reliability modeling and optimization of circular multi-state sliding time window system with sequential demands
W Wang, C Fang, Y Wang, J Li
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2022
A noise history decomposition approach for decentralized optimal control of large-scale systems defined over a weakly connected graph
Y Wang, J Xiong
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2021
Optimal decentralized output-feedback control with communication delay: a system augmentation approach
Y Wang, Y Zhang, J Xiong
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3537-3542, 2017
Optimal stabilization control of connected vehicle systems
Y Wang, R Su
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 4492-4497, 2020
Negative imaginariness and positive realness analysis of state-space symmetric systems with interval uncertaints
M Liu, H Lin, Y Wang, G Chen
Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 2021
Reliability Analysis of Interval-Valued Multi-State Sliding Window System for Sequential Tasks
W Wang, C Fang, P Si, Y Wang, M Lin
Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024
BCMS4W-ST: On the bi-directional circular multi-state system with spatiotemporal sliding window for sequential tasks
W Wang, M Lin, P Si, Y Wang, B Fan
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 240, 109555, 2023
Structural charging and replenishment policies for battery swapping charging system operation under uncertainty
S Mao, Y Wang, Q Guan, Y Xu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (12), 14598-14609, 2023
Switching periodic event-triggered control for NCSs and its application to UAVs
Z Wu, Y Wang*, J Xiong, M Xie
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023
Optimal mean decentralized controller design of interconnected systems with randomized information pattern
Y Wang, DWC Ho, J Xiong
Automatica, 2022
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