E.W. Jenkins
E.W. Jenkins
Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Clemson University
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Coupled generalized nonlinear Stokes flow with flow through a porous medium
VJ Ervin, EW Jenkins, S Sun
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 47 (2), 929-952, 2009
On the parameter choice in grad-div stabilization for the Stokes equations
EW Jenkins, V John, A Linke, LG Rebholz
Advances in Computational Mathematics 40, 491-516, 2014
A priori error estimates for mixed finite element approximations of the acoustic wave equation
EW Jenkins, B Riviaere, MF Wheeler
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 40 (5), 1698-1715, 2002
An aggregation-based domain decomposition preconditioner for groundwater flow
EW Jenkins, CE Kees, CT Kelley, CT Miller
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 23 (2), 430-441, 2001
Coupling nonlinear Stokes and Darcy flow using mortar finite elements
VJ Ervin, EW Jenkins, S Sun
Applied numerical mathematics 61 (11), 1198-1222, 2011
A new multimodal membrane adsorber for monoclonal antibody purifications
J Wang, EW Jenkins, JR Robinson, A Wilson, SM Husson
Journal of membrane science 492, 137-146, 2015
Approximation of the Stokes–Darcy system by optimization
VJ Ervin, EW Jenkins, H Lee
Journal of Scientific Computing 59, 775-794, 2014
A fractional step θ-method for convection–diffusion problems
JC Chrispell, VJ Ervin, EW Jenkins
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 333 (1), 204-218, 2007
A decision making framework with MODFLOW-FMP2 via optimization: Determining trade-offs in crop selection
KR Fowler, EW Jenkins, C Ostrove, JC Chrispell, MW Farthing, M Parno
Environmental Modelling & Software 69, 280-291, 2015
Boundary conditions for fully implicit two-phase flow models
M Peszynska, EW Jenkins, MF Wheeler
Contemporary Mathematics 306, 85-106, 2002
A fractional step θ-method approximation of time-dependent viscoelastic fluid flow
JC Chrispell, VJ Ervin, EW Jenkins
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 232 (2), 159-175, 2009
Numerical solution of the acoustic wave equation using Raviart–Thomas elements
EW Jenkins
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 206 (1), 420-431, 2007
About this app
E Jenkins
Swarm, 2013
Versatile two-level Schwarz preconditioners for multiphase flow
CE Kees, CT Miller, EW Jenkins, CT Kelley
Computational Geosciences 7, 91-114, 2003
On the parameter choice in grad-div stabilization for incompressible flow problems
E Jenkins, V John, A Linke, LG Rebholz
Understanding the effects of polymer extrusion filter layering configurations using simulation-based optimization
KR Fowler, EW Jenkins, SM LaLonde
Optimization and Engineering 11, 339-354, 2010
A model to simulate the interaction between groundwater and surface water
SE Howington, RC Berger, JP Hallberg, JF Peters, AK Stagg, EW Jenkins, ...
North Carolina State University. Center for Research in Scientific Computation, 1999
Design Analysis of Polymer Filtration using a Multi‐Objective Genetic Algorithm
KR Fowler, EW Jenkins, CL Cox, B McClune, B Seyfzadeh
Separation Science and Technology 43 (4), 710-726, 2008
Nonlinear multilevel iterative methods for multiscale models of air/water flow in porous media
CE Kees, MW Farthing, SE Howington, EW Jenkins, CT Kelley
Proceedings of computational methods in water resources XVI 8, 2006
A two-level aggregation-based Newton-Krylov-Schwarz method for hydrology
EW Jenkins, RC Berger, JP Hallberg, SE Howington, CT Kelley, ...
Parallel computational fluid dynamics, 257-264, 1999
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