Jorge Molina Carpio
Jorge Molina Carpio
Profesor, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Instituto de Hidráulica e Hidrología
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Central and south america
G Magrin, J Marengo, JP Boulanger, MS Buckeridge, E Castellano, ...
Climate change 2014: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. Working Group …, 2014
The extreme 2014 flood in south-western Amazon basin: the role of tropical-subtropical South Atlantic SST gradient
JC Espinoza, JA Marengo, J Ronchail, JM Carpio, LN Flores, JL Guyot
Environmental Research Letters 9 (12), 124007, 2014
State of the Climate in 2019
J Blunden, D Arndt, et al.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101 (8), 429, 2020
Hydroclimate of the Andes part I: main climatic features
JC Espinoza, R Garreaud, G Poveda, PA Arias, J Molina-Carpio, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 64, 2020
Accuracy assessment of SRTM v4 and ASTER GDEM v2 over the Altiplano watershed using ICESat/GLAS data
Satgé, F, Bonnet, M.P, Timouk, F, Calmant, S, Pillco, R, Molina, J, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 36 (2), 465-488, 2015
Role of Climate Variability and Human Activity on Poopó Lake Droughts between 1990 and 2015 assessed using remote sensing data
Satgé, F, Espinoza, R, Pillco R, Roig, H, Timouk, F, Molina, J, Garnier, J, ...
Remote Sensing 9 (218), 2017
State of the climate in 2020
J Blunden, T Boyer, et al.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 102 (8), 1 - 481, 2021
Hydroclimate of the Andes part II: Hydroclimate variability and sub-continental patterns
PA Arias, R Garreaud, G Poveda, JC Espinoza, J Molina-Carpio, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 505467, 2021
Consistency of satellite-based precipitation products in space and over time compared with gauge observations and snow-hydrological modelling in the Lake Titicaca region
F Satgé, D Ruelland, MP Bonnet, J Molina, R Pillco
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 23 (1), 595-619, 2019
Assessment of satellite rainfall products over the Andean plateau
Satgé, F, Bonnet, M.P, Gosset, M, Molina, J, Yuque, W, Pillco R, Timouk, F, ...
Atmospheric Research, 1-14, 2016
Hydroclimatology of the Upper Madeira River basin: spatio-temporal variability and trends
J Molina-Carpio, JC Espinoza, P Vauchel, J Ronchail, B Gutierrez Caloir, ...
Hydrological Sciences Journal 62 (6), 911-927, 2017
A reassessment of the suspended sediment load in the Madeira River Basin from the Andes of Peru and Bolivia to the Amazon River in Brazil, based on 10 years of data from the …
Vauchel P, Santini W, Guyot J.L, Moquet J.S, Martinez J.M, Espinoza J.C, ...
Journal of Hydrology, 35-48, 2017
Comparative assessments of the latest GPM mission's spatially enhanced satellite rainfall products over the main Bolivian watersheds
Satgé, F, Xavier A, Pillco R, Molina, J, Timouk, F, Hussain Y, ...
XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 2017
Regional hydro-climatic changes in the Southern Amazon Basin (Upper Madeira Basin) during the 1982–2017 period
JC Espinoza, AA Sörensson, J Ronchail, J Molina-Carpio, H Segura, ...
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 26, 100637, 2019
The heat wave of October 2020 in central South America
RS Jose A Marengo, Tercio Ambrizzi, Naurinete Barreto, Ana Paula Cunha ...
International Journal of Climatology, 2021
Deforestation impacts on Amazon-Andes hydroclimatic connectivity
JP Sierra, C Junquas, JC Espinoza, H Segura, T Condom, M Andrade, ...
Climate Dynamics, 1-28, 2022
Understanding the hydrology of tropical Andean ecosystems through an Andean Network of basins
Celleri, R, Buytaert, W, De Biévre, B, Tobón, C, Crespo, P, ...
Status and Perspectives of Hydrology in Small Basins 336, 209-212, 2010
Absolute and relative height-pixel accuracy of SRTM-GL1 over the South American Andean Plateau
Satge, F, Denezine, M. Pillco, R, Timouk, F, Pinel, S, Molina, J, Garnier, J, ...
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 157-166, 2016
State of the Climate in 2021
J Blunden, T Boyer, et al.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 103 (8), 465, 2022
Comparative analysis of climate change impacts on meteorological, hydrological, and agricultural droughts in the lake Titicaca basin
R Zubieta, J Molina-Carpio, W Laqui, J Sulca, M Ilbay
Water 13 (2), 175, 2021
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