Artikkelit, joihin on yleisen käytön mandaatti - Zofia TrstanovaLisätietoja
Saatavilla jossain: 7
Machine learning force fields and coarse-grained variables in molecular dynamics: application to materials and biological systems
P Gkeka, G Stoltz, A Barati Farimani, Z Belkacemi, M Ceriotti, JD Chodera, ...
Journal of chemical theory and computation 16 (8), 4757-4775, 2020
Mandaatit: US National Institutes of Health, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences …
Local and global perspectives on diffusion maps in the analysis of molecular systems
Z Trstanova, B Leimkuhler, T Lelièvre
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 476 (2233), 20190036, 2020
Mandaatit: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, European Commission
Langevin dynamics with general kinetic energies
G Stoltz, Z Trstanova
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 16 (2), 777-806, 2018
Mandaatit: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, European Commission
Error analysis of modified Langevin dynamics
S Redon, G Stoltz, Z Trstanova
Journal of Statistical Physics 164, 735-771, 2016
Mandaatit: European Commission
Diffusion maps tailored to arbitrary non-degenerate Itô processes
R Banisch, Z Trstanova, A Bittracher, S Klus, P Koltai
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 48 (1), 242-265, 2020
Mandaatit: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Estimating the speed-up of Adaptively Restrained Langevin dynamics
Z Trstanova, S Redon
Journal of Computational Physics 336, 412-428, 2017
Mandaatit: European Commission
Posterior sampling strategies based on discretized stochastic differential equations for machine learning applications
F Heber, Ž Trst’anová, B Leimkuhler
Journal of Machine Learning Research 21 (228), 1-33, 2020
Mandaatit: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
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