Sukhpal Singh Gill
Sukhpal Singh Gill
Muut nimetSukhpal Singh
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
HealthFog: An Ensemble Deep Learning based Smart Healthcare System for Automatic Diagnosis of Heart Diseases in Integrated IoT and Fog Computing Environments
S Tuli, N Basumatary, SS Gill, M Kahani, RC Arya, GS Wander, R Buyya
Future Generation Computer Systems 104, 187-200, 2020
AI for next generation computing: Emerging trends and future directions
SS Gill, M Xu, C Ottaviani, P Patros, R Bahsoon, A Shaghaghi, M Golec, ...
Internet of Things 🏆 19, 100514, 2022
A survey on resource scheduling in cloud computing: Issues and challenges
S Singh, I Chana
Journal of grid computing 14, 217-264, 2016
Transformative effects of IoT, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence on cloud computing: Evolution, vision, trends and open challenges
SS Gill, S Tuli, M Xu, I Singh, KV Singh, D Lindsay, S Tuli, D Smirnova, ...
Internet of Things 8, 1-26, 2019
Predicting the Growth and Trend of COVID-19 Pandemic using Machine Learning and Cloud Computing
S Tuli, S Tuli, R Tuli, SS Gill
Internet of Things 11, 100222, 2020
Quantum computing: A taxonomy, systematic review and future directions
SS Gill, A Kumar, H Singh, M Singh, K Kaur, M Usman, R Buyya
Software: Practice and Experience 52 (1), 66-114, 2022
Transformative effects of ChatGPT on modern education: Emerging Era of AI Chatbots
SS Gill, M Xu, P Patros, H Wu, R Kaur, K Kaur, S Fuller, M Singh, P Arora, ...
Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems 4, 19-23, 2024
A Drone-based Networked System and Methods for Combating Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic
A Kumar, K Sharma, H Singh, SG Naugriya, SS Gill, R Buyya
Future Generation Computer Systems 115, 1-19, 2021
Performance Evaluation Metrics for Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing: A Review, Taxonomy, Benchmarks and Standards for Future Research
MS Aslanpour, SS Gill, AN Toosi
Internet of Things 12, 100273, 2020
Edge AI: A survey
R Singh, SS Gill
Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems 3, 71-92, 2023
QoS-aware autonomic resource management in cloud computing: a systematic review
S Singh, I Chana
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 48 (3), 42, 2016
ChatGPT: Vision and challenges
SS Gill, R Kaur
Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems 3, 262-271, 2023
Serverless edge computing: vision and challenges
MS Aslanpour, AN Toosi, C Cicconetti, B Javadi, P Sbarski, D Taibi, ...
Proceedings of the 2021 Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference, 1-10, 2021
IoT and Fog Computing based Predictive Maintenance Model for Effective Asset Management in Industry 4.0 using Machine Learning
YK Teoh, SS Gill, AK Parlikad
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (3), 2087 - 2094, 2023
ROUTER: Fog Enabled Cloud based Intelligent Resource Management Approach for Smart Home IoT Devices
SS Gill, P Garraghan, R Buyya
Journal of Systems and Software 154, 125-138, 2019
AI-based fog and edge computing: A systematic review, taxonomy and future directions
S Iftikhar, SS Gill, C Song, M Xu, MS Aslanpour, AN Toosi, J Du, H Wu, ...
Internet of Things 21, 100674, 2023
IoT based agriculture as a cloud and big data service: the beginning of digital India
SS Gill, I Chana, R Buyya
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) 29 (4), 1-23, 2017
QRSF: QoS-aware resource scheduling framework in cloud computing
S Singh, I Chana
The Journal of Supercomputing 71, 241-292, 2015
A taxonomy and future directions for sustainable cloud computing: 360 degree view
SS Gill, R Buyya
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 51 (5), 104, 2019
Cloud resource provisioning: survey, status and future research directions
S Singh, I Chana
Knowledge and Information Systems 49, 1005-1069, 2016
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