Bo Chen
Secure Fusion Estimation for Bandwidth Constrained Cyber-Physical Systems Under Replay Attacks
B. Chen, D. W.C. Ho, G. Hu, L. Yu
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 48 (6), 1862-1876, 2018
Event/self-triggered control for leader-following consensus over unreliable network with DoS attacks
W Xu, DWC Ho, J Zhong, B Chen
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 30 (10), 3137-3149, 2019
Distributed dimensionality reduction fusion estimation for cyber-physical systems under DoS attacks
B. Chen, D. W.C. Ho, W.A. Zhang, L. Yu
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, Doi:10.1109/TSMC …, 2017
Distributed fusion estimation with missing measurements, random transmission delays and packet dropouts
B Chen, WA Zhang, L Yu
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (7), 1961-1967, 2014
Active security control approach against DoS attacks in cyber-physical systems
T Li, B Chen, L Yu, WA Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66 (9), 4303-4310, 2020
Packet-based state feedback control under DoS attacks in cyber-physical systems
S Lai, B Chen, T Li, L Yu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 66 (8), 1421-1425, 2018
Distributed Finite-Horizon Fusion Kalman Filtering for Bandwidth and Energy Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks
B Chen, W Zhang, L Yu
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 62 (4), 797-812, 2014
Distributed Covariance Intersection Fusion Estimation for Cyber-Physical Systems with Communication Constraints
B Chen, G Hu, DWC Ho, L Yu
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (12), 4020-4026, 2016
Robust information fusion estimator for multiple delay-tolerant sensors with different failure rates
B Chen, L Yu, WA Zhang, A Liu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 60 (2), 401-414, 2012
Distributed robust fusion estimation with application to state monitoring systems
B. Chen, G. Hu, D. W.C. Ho, W. Zhang, L. Yu
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems 47 (11), 2994-3005, 2017
Distributed Fusion Estimation with Communication Bandwidth Constraints
B Chen, WA Zhang, L Yu, G Hu, H Song
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (5), 1398-1403, 2015
Networked fusion Kalman filtering with multiple uncertainties
B Chen, W Zhang, G Hu, L Yu
IEEE transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 51 (3), 2232-2249, 2015
Distributed Kalman Filteirng for Time-Varying Discrete Sequential Systems
B. Chen, G. Hu, D. W. C. Ho, L. Yu
Automatica, Article in press., 2018
Multi-agent reinforcement learning for decentralized resilient secondary control of energy storage systems against DoS attacks
P Chen, S Liu, B Chen, L Yu
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 13 (3), 1739-1750, 2022
Robust Kalman filtering for uncertain state delay systems with random observation delays and missing measurements
B Chen, L Yu, WA Zhang
IET Control Theory & Applications 5 (17), 1945-1954, 2011
A New Approach to Linear/Nonlinear Distributed Fusion Estimation Problem
B Chen, G Hu, DWC Ho, L Yu
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Doi: 10.1109/TAC.2018.2849612, 2018
Hierarchical Fusion Estimation for Clustered Asynchronous Sensor Networks
WA Zhang, B Chen, M Chen
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (10), 3064--3069, 2016
Distributed Mixed H2/H_infinity Fusion Estimation with Limited Communication Capacity
B Chen, G Hu, WA Zhang, L Yu
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (3), 805--810, 2016
Distributed data-driven intrusion detection for sparse stealthy FDI attacks in smart grids
J Shi, S Liu, B Chen, L Yu
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 68 (3), 993-997, 2020
Robust extended recursive least squares identification algorithm for Hammerstein systems with dynamic disturbances
S Dong, L Yu, WA Zhang, B Chen
Digital Signal Processing 101, 102716, 2020
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