Oana Druta
Zombie socialism and the rise of neoliberalism in post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe
L Chelcea, O Druţǎ
Eurasian Geography and Economics 57 (4-5), 521-544, 2016
Young adults’ pathways into homeownership and the negotiation of intra-family support: A home, the ideal gift
O Druta, R Ronald
Sociology 51 (4), 783-799, 2017
Disinvesting in the city: The role of tax foreclosure in Detroit
M Dewar, E Seymour, O Druță
Urban Affairs Review 51 (5), 587-615, 2015
Intergenerational support for autonomous living in a post-socialist housing market: Homes, meanings and practices
O Druta, R Ronald
Housing Studies 33 (2), 299-316, 2018
Living alone together in Tokyo share houses
O Druta, R Ronald
Social & Cultural Geography 22 (9), 1223-1240, 2021
Japan’s urban singles: Negotiating alternatives to family households and standard housing pathways
R Ronald, O Druta, M Godzik
Urban Geography 39 (7), 1018-1040, 2018
Supported home ownership and adult independence in Milan: The gilded cage of family housing gifts and transfers
LKC Manzo, O Druta, R Ronald
Sociology 53 (3), 519-537, 2019
Urban singles and shared housing
O Druta, R Ronald, S Heath
Social & Cultural Geography 22 (9), 1195-1203, 2021
Early adulthood housing transitions in Amsterdam: Understanding dependence and independence between generations
O Druta, A Limpens, FM Pinkster, R Ronald
Population, space and place 25 (2), e2196, 2019
Place quality in high-speed rail station areas
J Du, P van Wesemael, O Druta
Journal of Transport and Land Use 14 (1), 1165-1186, 2021
Settlement in Nanjing among Chinese rural migrant families: The role of changing and persistent family norms
S Tang, J Zhou, O Druta, X Li
Urban Studies 60 (6), 1083-1101, 2023
Towards inclusive urban environments for infants and toddlers: Assessing four urban neighbourhoods in Istanbul with mothers
Ö Ataol, S Krishnamurthy, O Druta, P van Wesemael
Children & Society 36 (6), 1177-1193, 2022
Young adults’ pathways into homeownership in Tokyo: Shifting practices and meanings
O Druta, R Ronald
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 50 (5), 1092-1108, 2018
How do socio-demographic characteristics affect users’ perception of place quality at station areas? Evidence from Amsterdam, The Netherlands
J Du, O Druta, P van den Berg, PJV van Wesemael
Urban Science 5 (4), 80, 2021
How changes in housing, homes and households are reshaping urban Japan
R Ronald, O Druta
Singapore: Asia Research Institute, 6-8, 2016
From revenue to reuse: Managing tax-reverted properties in Detroit
C Coenen, J Drain, O Druta, G Holman, TP Kang, P Kitjakarnlertudom, ...
Home improvements in later life: competing policy goals and the practices of older Dutch homeowners
O Druta, F Schilder, C Lennartz
International Journal of Housing Policy 23 (1), 92-112, 2023
The inability of Turkey and Istanbul in institutionalisation of children's participation in urban planning: A policy analysis study
Ö Ataol, S Krishnamurthy, O Druta, P van Wesemael
Children & Society 36 (5), 1064-1085, 2022
Young Adult Homeownership Pathways and Intergenerational Support: Homes, Meanings and Practices'
O Druta
PhD thesis, Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR),< http …, 2017
Flex-housing and the advent of the ‘spoedzoeker’in Dutch housing policy
O Druta, M Fatemidokhtcharook
International Journal of Housing Policy 24 (4), 737-754, 2024
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