Aleksandar Jemcov
Aleksandar Jemcov
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
OpenFOAM: A C++ library for complex physics simulations
H Jasak, A Jemcov, Z Tukovic
International workshop on coupled methods in numerical dynamics 1000, 1-20, 2007
A review on the current status of icing physics and mitigation in aviation
M Yamazaki, A Jemcov, H Sakaue
Aerospace 8 (7), 188, 2021
Numerical investigations of detonation in premixed hydrogen-air mixture-Assessment of simplified chemical mechanisms
K Hsu, A Jemcov
Fluids 2000 conference and exhibit, 2478, 2000
Density based Navier Stokes solver for transonic flows
O Borm, A Jemcov, HP Kau
Proceedings of 6th OpenFOAM workshop, penn state university, USA, 2011
International workshop on coupled methods in numerical dynamics
H Jasak, A Jemcov, Z Tukovic
IUC Dubrovnik Croatia 1000, 1-20, 2007
Light-guided surface plasmonic bubble movement via contact line de-pinning by in-situ deposited plasmonic nanoparticle heating
Q Zhang, Y Pang, J Schiffbauer, A Jemcov, HC Chang, E Lee, T Luo
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (51), 48525-48532, 2019
Very large eddy simulation of a transonic axial compressor stage
R Kelly, AR Hickman, K Shi, SC Morris, A Jemcov
52nd AIAA/SAE/ASEE joint propulsion conference, 4745, 2016
Preconditioned linear solvers for large eddy simulation
H Jasak, A Jemcov, JP Maruszewski
CFD 2007 Conference, CFD Society of Canada, 2007
A study of loss mechanism in a linear compressor cascade at the corner stall condition
Z Li, J Du, A Jemcov, X Ottavy, F Lin
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 50787, V02AT39A044, 2017
A structured mesh boundary motion approach for simulating wind effects on bluff bodies with changing boundaries
D Wei, SMJ Spence, A Kareem, A Jemcov
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 126, 118-131, 2014
Exploratory investigation of the HIPPO gas-jet target fluid dynamic properties
Z Meisel, K Shi, A Jemcov, M Couder
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2016
The momentum balance in the blade tip region and the effectiveness of circumferential grooves in a transonic rotor
X Nan, F Lin, J Du, JY Chen, A Jemcov, SC Morris
ASME Paper No. GT2013-95372 10, 2013
Very Large Eddy Simulation (VLES) of a squealer tipped axial turbine stage
R Kelly, A Jemcov, JD Cameron, SC Morris, J Coffman, MF Malak
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 50794, V02BT41A052, 2017
Modeling an enclosed, turbulent reacting methane jet with the premixed conditional moment closure method
S Martin, A Jemcov, B de Ruijter
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 55119, V01BT04A011, 2013
Sub-millimeter resolution pressure measurement on free flight model at Mach 1.5 using novel non-intrusive optical technique
D Kurihara, JP Gonzales, SL Claucherty, H Kiritani, K Fujita, A Jemcov, ...
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 120, 110243, 2021
Large eddy simulation of an enclosed turbulent reacting methane jet with the tabulated premixed conditional moment closure method
C Velez, S Martin, A Jemcov, S Vasu
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 138 (10), 101501, 2016
Physical diffusion cures the carbuncle phenomenon
JM Powers, JD Bruns, A Jemcov
53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0579, 2015
DBD plasma actuator design for optimal flow control
TJ Williams, A Jemcov, TC Corke
52nd aerospace sciences meeting, 1264, 2014
Performance improvement of algebraic multigrid solver by vector sequence extrapolation
A Jemcov, JP Maruszewski, H Jasak
CFD 2007 Conference, CFD Society of Canada, 2007
Calibration of Spalart-Allmaras model for simulation of corner flow separation in linear compressor cascade
K Matsui, E Perez, RT Kelly, N Tani, A Jemcov
Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society 2021 (May), 1-16, 2021
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