Małgorzata Król
Małgorzata Król
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Independence of exogenous insulin following immunoablation and stem cell reconstitution in newly diagnosed diabetes type I
E Snarski, A Milczarczyk, T Torosian, M Paluszewska, E Urbanowska, ...
Bone marrow transplantation 46 (4), 562-566, 2011
Differentiation of red lipsticks using the attenuated total reflection technique supported by two chemometric methods
M Gładysz, M Król, P Kościelniak
Forensic Science International 280, 130-138, 2017
Application of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy to examination of writing inks for forensic purposes
A Kula, R Wietecha-Posłuszny, K Pasionek, M Król, M Woźniakiewicz, ...
Science & Justice 54 (2), 118-125, 2014
Immunoablation and autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in the treatment of new-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus: long-term observations
E Snarski, A Milczarczyk, K Hałaburda, T Torosian, M Paluszewska, ...
Bone marrow transplantation 51 (3), 398-402, 2016
Full scale measurements of the operation of fire ventilation in a road tunnel
M Król, A Król, P Koper, P Wrona
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 70, 204-213, 2017
Numerical investigation on fire accident and evacuation in a urban tunnel for different traffic conditions
A Król, M Król
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 109, 103751, 2021
Numerical modeling of air velocity distribution in a road tunnel with a longitudinal ventilation system
A Król, M Król, P Koper, P Wrona
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 91, 103003, 2019
Application of computational intelligence methods for the automated identification of paper-ink samples based on LIBS
K Rzecki, T Sośnicki, M Baran, M Niedźwiecki, M Król, T Łojewski, ...
Sensors 18 (11), 3670, 2018
Study on numerical modeling of jet fans
A Król, M Król
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 73, 222-235, 2018
Multi-criteria numerical analysis of factors influencing the efficiency of natural smoke venting of atria
M Król, A Król
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 170, 149-161, 2017
The influence of natural draught on the air flow in a tunnel with longitudinal ventilation
M Król, A Król, P Koper, P Wrona
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 85, 140-148, 2019
Numerical studies on the wind effects on natural smoke venting of atria
M Król
International Journal of Ventilation 15 (1), 67-78, 2016
Application of CE-MS to examination of black inkjet printing inks for forensic purposes
A Kula, M Król, R Wietecha-Posłuszny, M Woźniakiewicz, P Kościelniak
Talanta 128, 92-101, 2014
Autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation in dialysis‐dependent multiple myeloma patients—DAUTOS Study of the Polish Myeloma Study Group
A Waszczuk‐Gajda, Z Lewandowski, J Drozd‐Sokołowska, P Boguradzki, ...
European Journal of Haematology 101 (4), 475-485, 2018
Development and evaluation of semi-destructive, ultrasound assisted extraction method followed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry enabling discrimination of red …
M Gładysz, M Król, P Własiuk, M Piwowar, G Zadora, P Kościelniak
Journal of Chromatography A 1577, 92-100, 2018
Raman spectroscopy and capillary electrophoresis applied to forensic colour inkjet printer inks analysis
M Król, A Karoly, P Kościelniak
Forensic Science International 242, 142-149, 2014
Examination of black inkjet printing inks by capillary electrophoresis
M Król, A Kula, R Wietecha-Posłuszny, M Woźniakiewicz, P Kościelniak
Talanta 96, 236-242, 2012
Biosimilar G-CSF versus filgrastim and lenograstim in healthy unrelated volunteer hematopoietic stem cell donors
R Farhan, E Urbanowska, H Zborowska, M Król, M Król, T Torosian, ...
Annals of Hematology 96, 1735-1739, 2017
Study on hot gases flow in case of fire in a road tunnel
A Król, M Król
Energies 11 (3), 590, 2018
Current analytical methodologies used for examination of lipsticks and its traces for forensic purposes
M Gładysz, M Król, P Kościelniak
Microchemical Journal 164, 106002, 2021
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