Artikkelit, joihin on yleisen käytön mandaatti - Andrew D. BallLisätietoja
Ei saatavilla missään: 23
Mechanical properties of extensible die clinched joints in titanium sheet materials
X He, Y Zhang, B Xing, F Gu, A Ball
Materials & Design 71, 26-35, 2015
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Vibration signature analysis for broken rotor bar diagnosis in induction motors based on cyclic modulation spectrum
Z Wang, H Li, D Zhen, F Gu, A Ball
International Conference on Maintenance Engineering, 616-626, 2020
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Modelling the Dynamics of a CNC Spindle for Tool Condition Identification Based on On-Rotor Sensing
C Li, D Shi, B Li, H Wang, G Feng, F Gu, AD Ball
Proceedings of IncoME-VI and TEPEN 2021: Performance Engineering and …, 2022
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Fault diagnostics of ac motor bearings based on envelope analysis of vibration residual signal
J Zhao, X Sun, J Wang, Z Zhou, Y Muhamedsalih, F Gu, AD Ball
International conference on the Efficiency and Performance Engineering …, 2022
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Acoustic Feature Extraction for Monitoring the Combustion Process of Diesel Engine Based on EMD and Wavelet Analysis.
S Fang, S Li, D Zhen, Z Shi, F Gu, AD Ball
International Journal of COMADEM 20 (3), 2017
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Fault detection and diagnosis of gearbox oil shortage using motor current signature
F Otuyemi, X Sun, J Zhao, Z Zou, J Wang, F Gu, AD Ball
International conference on the Efficiency and Performance Engineering …, 2022
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A Developed Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Condition Monitoring
I Alqatawneh, R Deng, K Rabeyee, Z Chao, F Gu, AD Ball
2021 26th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC), 1-6, 2021
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Dynamic models for local faults on rolling element bearings: A review
Q Xiong, Y Li, Z Wang, Y Xu, Y Zhu, F Gu, AD Ball
International Conference on Maintenance Engineering, 217-227, 2020
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Metamaterial Structural Design for Low-Frequency Vibration Attenuation in a Drone-Based Image Monitoring System
Y Lin, Z Zhang, S Huang, R Deng, Y Muhamedsalih, F Gu, AD Ball
International conference on the Efficiency and Performance Engineering …, 2023
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A Review of Synchro-Transform Method in Mechanical Fault Diagnosis
Z Hu, Y Chen, F Gu, AD Ball, Z Li, G Yu
International conference on the Efficiency and Performance Engineering …, 2023
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Acoustic Metamaterial Sensing System for Bearing Fault Detection in Rotate Vector Reducers
S Huang, Y Lin, W Tang, R Deng, B Huang, Y Muhamedsalih, F Gu, ...
International conference on the Efficiency and Performance Engineering …, 2023
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Energy Harvesting Enhancement by Vibration Mode Coupling of Piezoelectric Cantilever Beam
W Mo, S Huang, Y Lin, B Huang, W Wang, F Gu, AD Ball
International conference on the Efficiency and Performance Engineering …, 2023
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
An Extensive Review of Tribo-Dynamic Modelling for Rolling Element Bearing Condition Monitoring
Z Zhou, B Chen, X Gong, X Sun, Z Hu, K Rabeyee, F Gu, AD Ball, ...
International conference on the Efficiency and Performance Engineering …, 2023
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Single-Camera 3D Vibration Detection Based on Combination of Fringe Stripes and Scattered Images
R Deng, P Wang, B Huang, C Pan, F Gu, A Ball
International conference on the Efficiency and Performance Engineering …, 2023
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
An Adaptive Stochastic Resonance Modelling Quantified by Gini-Index for the Detection of Unknown Bearing Faults
M Li, P Shi, D Han, Y He, Z Hu, F Gu, AD Ball
International conference on the Efficiency and Performance Engineering …, 2023
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Asymmetricity Diagnosis in Wind Turbine-Based Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators
A Amirizaniani, Y Lin, D Li, FS Gu, AD Ball
International conference on the Efficiency and Performance Engineering …, 2023
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Dynamic Modelling and Vibration Analysis of Axlebox Bearings Excited by Internal Clearance and External Random Excitations
K Zhong, Z Zhou, Z Liu, Y Muhamedsalih, X Gong, F Gu, AD Ball
International conference on the Efficiency and Performance Engineering …, 2023
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Power Consumption Analysis of an On-Rotor Sensing Sensor Node for Motor Vibration Monitoring
D Shi, Y He, B Huang, G Feng, C Li, W Wang, F Gu, AD Ball
International conference on the Efficiency and Performance Engineering …, 2023
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Motor Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on Stochastic Resonance Enhanced Stator Current Signals
W Zhang, P Shi, D Han, Y He, F Gu, A Ball
International conference on the Efficiency and Performance Engineering …, 2022
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Modelling and Analysis of Internal Excitation of Cracked Spur Gear Considering Effects of Tooth Errors
L Yang, D Zou, X Sun, Y Shao, F Gu, A Ball, D Mba
International conference on the Efficiency and Performance Engineering …, 2022
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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