Aaron Rojas
Aaron Rojas
Researcher at the Chemistry Department Cinvestav
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Enthalpic nature of the CH/π interaction involved in the recognition of carbohydrates by aromatic compounds, confirmed by a novel interplay of NMR, calorimetry, and theoretical …
K Ramirez-Gualito, R Alonso-Rios, B Quiroz-Garcia, A Rojas-Aguilar, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (50), 18129-18138, 2009
Thermochemistry of methyl-D-glucopyranosides and methyl-D-galactopyranosides
AR Aguilar, EO Guareño
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 32 (6), 767-775, 2000
Measurement of the enthalpies of vaporization and sublimation of solids aromatic hydrocarbons by differential scanning calorimetry
A Rojas, E Orozco
Thermochimica acta 405 (1), 93-107, 2003
Vapor pressures and sublimation enthalpies of nickelocene and cobaltocene measured by thermogravimetry
MT Vieyra-Eusebio, A Rojas
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 56 (12), 5008-5018, 2011
Calorimetric measurement of the CH/π interaction involved in the molecular recognition of saccharides by aromatic compounds
L Bautista-Ibañez, K Ramírez-Gualito, B Quiroz-García, A Rojas-Aguilar, ...
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 73 (3), 849-857, 2008
Solvent-free covalent functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes and nanodiamond with diamines: looking for cross-linking effects
EV Basiuk, VA Basiuk, V Meza-Laguna, FF Contreras-Torres, M Martínez, ...
Applied surface science 259, 465-476, 2012
Noncovalent functionalization of single-walled carbon nanotubes with porphyrins
M Bassiouk, VA Basiuk, EV Basiuk, E Álvarez-Zauco, M Martínez-Herrera, ...
Applied surface science 275, 168-177, 2013
An isoperibol micro-bomb combustion calorimeter for measurement of the enthalpy of combustion. Application to the study of fullerene C60
A Rojas-Aguilar
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 34 (10), 1729-1743, 2002
An experimental system for measurement of enthalpies of sublimation by dsc
A Rojas-Aguilar, E Orozco-Guareno, M Martínez-Herrera
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 33 (10), 1405-1418, 2001
Redesigning the rotating-bomb combustion calorimeter
H Flores, J Mentado, P Amador, LA Torres, M Campos, A Rojas
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 38 (6), 756-759, 2006
Enthalpies of sublimation of ferrocene and nickelocene measured by calorimetry and the method of Langmuir
A Rojas, MT Vieyra-Eusebio
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 43 (11), 1738-1747, 2011
Enthalpies of sublimation of fullerenes by thermogravimetry
M Martínez-Herrera, M Campos, LA Torres, A Rojas
Thermochimica Acta 622, 72-81, 2015
Thermochemistry of benzoquinones
A Rojas-Aguilar, H Flores-Lara, M Martinez-Herrera, F Ginez-Carbajal
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 36 (6), 453-463, 2004
Experimental and computational thermochemical study of benzofuran, benzothiophene and indole derivatives
F Ramos, H Flores, A Rojas, JM Hernández-Pérez, EA Camarillo, ...
the Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 97, 297-306, 2016
Gas phase enthalpies of formation of nitrobenzamides using combustion calorimetry and thermal analysis
A Ximello, H Flores, A Rojas, EA Camarillo, MP Amador
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 79, 33-40, 2014
Combustion calorimetry on samples of mass about 5 mg of substances containing chlorine with a CRMT rocking-bomb calorimeter. Application to the study ofp-chlorobenzoic acid
R Sabbah, AR Aguilar
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 27 (6), 685-691, 1995
Enthalpies of fusion, vaporisation and sublimation of crown ethers determined by thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry
T Sánchez-Bulás, O Cruz-Vásquez, J Hernández-Obregón, A Rojas
Thermochimica Acta 650, 123-133, 2017
Enthalpies of combustion and formation of fullerene C70 by isoperibolic combustion calorimetry
A Rojas-Aguilar
The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 36 (6), 519-523, 2004
Increasing stability of the fullerenes with the number of carbon atoms: the experimental evidence
A Rojas, M Martínez, P Amador, LA Torres
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (30), 9031-9035, 2007
Thermodynamic study of the three isomers of bromo and iodobenzoic acids. Part II
R Sabbah, AR Aguilar
Structural Chemistry 7, 383-390, 1996
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