Hael Mughrabi
Hael Mughrabi
Emerit. Prof. Werkstoffwissenschaften
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Dislocation wall and cell structures and long-range internal stresses in deformed metal crystals
H Mughrabi
Acta metallurgica 31 (9), 1367-1379, 1983
Annihilation of dislocations during tensile and cyclic deformation and limits of dislocation densities
U Essmann, H Mughrabi
Philosophical Magazine A 40 (6), 731-756, 1979
The cyclic hardening and saturation behaviour of copper single crystals
H Mughrabi
Materials Science and Engineering 33 (2), 207-223, 1978
Heterostructured materials: superior properties from hetero-zone interaction
Y Zhu, K Ameyama, PM Anderson, IJ Beyerlein, H Gao, HS Kim, ...
Materials Research Letters 9 (1), 1-31, 2021
A model of extrusions and intrusions in fatigued metals I. Point-defect production and the growth of extrusions
U Essmann, U Gösele, H Mughrabi
Philosophical Magazine A 44 (2), 405-426, 1981
Cyclic slip irreversibilities and the evolution of fatigue damage
H Mughrabi
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 40, 431-453, 2009
Low energy dislocation structures produced by cyclic deformation
C Laird, P Charsley, H Mughrabi
Materials science and engineering 81, 433-450, 1986
Fatigue and microstructure of ultrafine-grained metals produced by severe plastic deformation
H Mughrabi, HW Höppel, M Kautz
Scripta Materialia 51 (8), 807-812, 2004
Persistent slipbands in fatigued face-centered and body-centered cubic metals
H Mughbrabi, FU Ackermann, K Herz
Fatigue mechanisms, 1979
Specific features and mechanisms of fatigue in the ultrahigh-cycle regime
H Mughrabi
International journal of fatigue 28 (11), 1501-1508, 2006
A two-parameter description of heterogeneous dislocation distributions in deformed metal crystals
H Mughrabi
Materials science and engineering 85, 15-31, 1987
X-ray line-broadening study of the dislocation cell structure in deformed [001]-orientated copper single crystals
T Ungar, H Mughrabi, D Rönnpagel, M Wilkens
Acta Metallurgica 32 (3), 333-342, 1984
Cyclic deformation and fatigue properties of very fine-grained metals and alloys
H Mughrabi, HW Höppel
International Journal of Fatigue 32 (9), 1413-1427, 2010
Long-range internal stresses and asymmetric X-ray line-broadening in tensile-deformed [001]-orientated copper single crystals
H Mughrabi, T Ungar, W Kienle, M Wilkens
Philosophical magazine A 53 (6), 793-813, 1986
Microstructural study of the parameters governing coarsening and cyclic softening in fatigued ultrafine-grained copper
HW Höppel, ZM Zhou, H Mughrabi, RZ Valiev
Philosophical Magazine A 82 (9), 1781-1794, 2002
On ‘multi‐stage’fatigue life diagrams and the relevant life‐controlling mechanisms in ultrahigh‐cycle fatigue
H Mughrabi
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 25 (8‐9), 755-764, 2002
An overview: Fatigue behaviour of ultrafine-grained metals and alloys
HW Höppel, M Kautz, C Xu, M Murashkin, TG Langdon, RZ Valiev, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 28 (9), 1001-1010, 2006
Plasticity-induced martensitic transformation during cyclic deformation of AISI 304L stainless steel
M Bayerlein, HJ Christ, H Mughrabi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 114, L11-L16, 1989
Fatigue crack initiation by cyclic slip irreversibilities in high-cycle fatigue
H Mughrabi, R Wang, K Differt, U Essmann
Fatigue mechanisms: advances in quantitative measurement of physical damage, 1983
An X-ray study of creep-deformation induced changes of the lattice mismatch in the γ′-hardened monocrystalline nickel-base superalloy SRR 99
HA Kuhn, H Biermann, T Ungar, H Mughrabi
Acta metallurgica et materialia 39 (11), 2783-2794, 1991
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