Savvas Papagiannidis
Savvas Papagiannidis
Newcastle University Business School
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
“So what if ChatGPT wrote it?” Multidisciplinary perspectives on opportunities, challenges and implications of generative conversational AI for research, practice and policy
YK Dwivedi, N Kshetri, L Hughes, EL Slade, A Jeyaraj, AK Kar, ...
International Journal of Information Management 71, 102642, 2023
Metaverse beyond the hype: Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy
YK Dwivedi, L Hughes, AM Baabdullah, S Ribeiro-Navarrete, ...
International journal of information management 66, 102542, 2022
Cloud computing adoption by SMEs in the north east of England: A multi‐perspective framework
Y Alshamaila, S Papagiannidis, F Li
Journal of enterprise information management 26 (3), 250-275, 2013
A systematic review of the smart home literature: A user perspective
D Marikyan, S Papagiannidis, E Alamanos
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 138, 139-154, 2019
Branding co-creation with members of online brand communities
N Hajli, M Shanmugam, S Papagiannidis, D Zahay, MO Richard
Journal of business research 70, 136-144, 2017
Human resource management in the age of generative artificial intelligence: Perspectives and research directions on ChatGPT
P Budhwar, S Chowdhury, G Wood, H Aguinis, GJ Bamber, JR Beltran, ...
Human Resource Management Journal 33 (3), 606-659, 2023
The role of brand attachment strength in higher education
C Dennis, S Papagiannidis, E Alamanos, M Bourlakis
Journal of Business research 69 (8), 3049-3057, 2016
Making real money in virtual worlds: MMORPGs and emerging business opportunities, challenges and ethical implications in metaverses
S Papagiannidis, M Bourlakis, F Li
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 75 (5), 610-622, 2008
Retail spatial evolution: paving the way from traditional to metaverse retailing
M Bourlakis, S Papagiannidis, F Li
Electronic commerce research 9, 135-148, 2009
Going on a journey: A review of the customer journey literature
Y Tueanrat, S Papagiannidis, E Alamanos
Journal of business research 125, 336-353, 2021
Internet of Things: A systematic review of the business literature from the user and organisational perspectives
Y Lu, S Papagiannidis, E Alamanos
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 136, 285-297, 2018
WHO led the digital transformation of your company? A reflection of IT related challenges during the pandemic
S Papagiannidis, J Harris, D Morton
International journal of information management 55, 102166, 2020
Internet-induced marketing techniques: Critical factors in viral marketing campaigns.
M Woerdl, S Papagiannidis, MA Bourlakis, F Li
Journal of Business Science and Applied Management 3 (1), 35-45, 2008
E-consumer behaviour: Past, present and future trajectories of an evolving retail revolution
M Bourlakis, S Papagiannidis, H Fox
International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) 4 (3), 64-76, 2008
Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology: A Review
D Marikyan, S Papagiannidis
TheoryHub Book 1, 2022
To immerse or not? Experimenting with two virtual retail environments
S Papagiannidis, E Pantano, EWK See-To, C Dennis, M Bourlakis
Information Technology & People 30 (1), 163-188, 2017
Technology Acceptance Model: A Review
D Marikyan, S Papagiannidis
TheoryHub Book 1, 2022
Modelling the determinants of a simulated experience in a virtual retail store and users’ product purchasing intentions
S Papagiannidis, E Pantano, EWK See-To, M Bourlakis
Journal of Marketing Management 29 (13-14), 1462-1492, 2013
Exploring the emotional antecedents and outcomes of technology acceptance
Y Lu, S Papagiannidis, E Alamanos
Computers in Human Behavior 90, 153-169, 2019
Smart offices: A productivity and well-being perspective
S Papagiannidis, D Marikyan
International Journal of Information Management 51, 102027, 2020
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