A locally modified parametric finite element method for interface problems S Frei, T Richter
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 52 (5), 2315-2334, 2014
68 2014 Eulerian finite element methods for interface problems and fluid-structure interactions S Frei
62 2016 A Nitsche-based formulation for fluid-structure interactions with contact E Burman, MA Fernández, S Frei
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 54 (2), 531-564, 2020
61 2020 Long-term simulation of large deformation, mechano-chemical fluid-structure interactions in ALE and fully Eulerian coordinates S Frei, T Richter, T Wick
Journal of Computational Physics 321, 874-891, 2016
52 2016 A second order time-stepping scheme for parabolic interface problems with moving interfaces S Frei, T Richter
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 51 (4), 1539-1560, 2017
31 2017 Fluid-Structure Interaction: Modeling, Adaptive Discretisations and Solvers S Frei, B Holm, T Richter, T Wick, H Yang
De Gruyter, 2017
29 * 2017 Eulerian time-stepping schemes for the non-stationary Stokes equations on time-dependent domains E Burman, S Frei, A Massing
Numerische Mathematik, 1-56, 2022
28 2022 Falling balls in a viscous fluid with contact: Comparing numerical simulations with experimental data H von Wahl, T Richter, S Frei, T Hagemeier
Physics of Fluids 33 (3), 2021
26 2021 Efficient approximation of flow problems with multiple scales in time S Frei, T Richter
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 18 (2), 942-969, 2020
26 2020 Towards a complete numerical description of lubricant film dynamics in ball bearings S Knauf, S Frei, T Richter, R Rannacher
Computational Mechanics 53, 239-255, 2014
23 2014 A priori error estimates for the finite element discretization of optimal distributed control problems governed by the biharmonic operator S Frei, R Rannacher, W Wollner
Calcolo 50, 165-193, 2013
19 2013 Eulerian techniques for fluid-structure interactions: Part II–Applications S Frei, T Richter, T Wick
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications-ENUMATH 2013: Proceedings of …, 2015
18 2015 Eulerian techniques for fluid-structure interactions: Part I–Modeling and simulation S Frei, T Richter, T Wick
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications-ENUMATH 2013: Proceedings of …, 2014
18 2014 A mechanically consistent model for fluid–structure interactions with contact including seepage E Burman, MA Fernández, S Frei, FM Gerosa
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 392, 114637, 2022
17 2022 An edge‐based pressure stabilisation technique for finite elements on arbitrarily anisotropic meshes S Frei
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2017
14 2017 An accurate Eulerian approach for fluid-structure interactions S Frei, T Richter
Fluid-Structure Interaction: Modeling, Adaptive Discretization and Solvers …, 2017
12 2017 Finite element simulation of fluid dynamics and CO gas exchange in the alveolar sacs of the human lung LJ Caucha, S Frei, O Rubio
Computational and Applied Mathematics 37 (5), 6410-6432, 2018
10 2018 An adaptive Newton algorithm for optimal control problems with application to optimal electrode design T Carraro, S Dörsam, S Frei, D Schwarz
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 177 (2), 498-534, 2018
9 2018 Optimizing fiber orientation in fiber-reinforced materials using efficient upscaling S Frei, H Andrä, R Pinnau, O Tse
Computational Optimization and Applications 62, 111-129, 2015
9 2015 Hamburger Beiträge S Frei, R Rannacher, W Wollner
7 * 2011