Justine Lacey
Justine Lacey
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
The social licence to operate: a critical review
K Moffat, J Lacey, A Zhang, S Leipold
Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 89 (5), 477-488, 2016
Maintaining legitimacy of a contested practice: How the minerals industry understands its ‘social licence to operate’
R Parsons, J Lacey, K Moffat
Resources Policy 41, 83-90, 2014
Social licence to operate: understanding how a concept has been translated into practice in energy industries
N Hall, J Lacey, S Carr-Cornish, AM Dowd
Journal of Cleaner Production 86, 301-310, 2015
Approaches to identifying stakeholders in environmental management: Insights from practitioners to go beyond the ‘usual suspects’
RM Colvin, GB Witt, J Lacey
Land use policy 52, 266-276, 2016
Understanding the social licence to operate of mining at the national scale: a comparative study of Australia, China and Chile
A Zhang, K Moffat, J Lacey, J Wang, R González, K Uribe, L Cui, Y Dai
Journal of Cleaner Production 108, 1063-1072, 2015
Using social contract to inform social licence to operate: an application in the Australian coal seam gas industry
J Lacey, J Lamont
Journal of Cleaner Production 84, 831–839, 2014
Understanding and managing trust at the climate science–policy interface
J Lacey, M Howden, C Cvitanovic, RM Colvin
Nature Climate Change, 1, 2018
The social identity approach to understanding socio-political conflict in environmental and natural resources management
RM Colvin, GB Witt, J Lacey
Global Environmental Change 34, 237–246, 2015
Exploring the concept of a Social Licence to Operate in the Australian minerals industry: Results from interviews with industry representatives
J Lacey, R Parsons, K Moffat
EP125553. Brisbane: CSIRO, 2012
Foresighting Australian digital agricultural futures: Applying responsible innovation thinking to anticipate research and development impact under different scenarios
A Fleming, E Jakku, S Fielke, BM Taylor, J Lacey, A Terhorst, C Stitzlein
Agricultural Systems 190, 103120, 2021
How wind became a four-letter word: Lessons for community engagement from a wind energy conflict in King Island, Australia
RM Colvin, GB Witt, J Lacey
Energy Policy 98, 483-494, 2016
Informed adaptation: Ethical considerations for adaptation researchers and decision-makers
J Lacey, M Howden, C Cvitanovic, AM Dowd
Global Environmental Change 32, 200-210, 2015
Australian attitudes toward mining: Citizen Survey – 2017 Results
K Moffat, P Pert, R McCrea, N Boughen, M Rodriguez, J Lacey
CSIRO, Australia, 2017
Power, perspective, and privilege: The challenge of translating stakeholder theory from business management to environmental and natural resource management
RM Colvin, GB Witt, J Lacey
Journal of Environmental Management 271, 110974, 2020
AI ethics principles in practice: perspectives of designers and developers
C Sanderson, D Douglas, Q Lu, E Schleiger, J Whittle, J Lacey, ...
IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society 4 (2), 171-187, 2023
The emergence of social licence necessitates reforms in environmental regulation
IE van Putten, C Cvitanovic, E Fulton, J Lacey, R Kelly
Ecology and Society 23 (3), 2018
Can’t climb the trees anymore: social licence to operate, bioenergy and whole stump removal in Sweden
P Edwards, J Lacey
Social Epistemology 28 (3-4), 239-257, 2014
Building Learning Communities: Partnerships, Social Capital and VET Performance. A National Vocational Education and Training Research and Evaluation Program Report.
J Allison, S Gorringe, J Lacey
National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), 2006
The art and science of community relations: Procedural fairness at Newmont's Waihi Gold operations, New Zealand
J Lacey, S Carr-Cornish, A Zhang, K Eglinton, K Moffat
Resources Policy 52, 245-254, 2017
Strange bedfellows or an aligning of values? Exploration of stakeholder values in an alliance of concerned citizens against coal seam gas mining
RM Colvin, GB Witt, J Lacey
Land Use Policy 42, 392-399, 2015
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