Wolf Udo Schroeder (Schröder)
Wolf Udo Schroeder (Schröder)
Professor of Chemistry and Physics
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Isospin physics in heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies
BA Li, CM Ko, W Bauer
International Journal of Modern Physics E 7 (02), 147-229, 1998
Damped heavy-ion collisions
WU Schroder, JR Huizenga
Annual Review of Nuclear Science 27 (1), 465-547, 1977
Reaction parameters for heavy-ion collisions
WW Wilcke, JR Birkelund, HJ Wollersheim, AD Hoover, JR Huizenga, ...
Atomic data and nuclear data tables 25 (5-6), 389-619, 1980
Stellar reaction rate of 14N (p, γ) 15O and hydrogen burning in massive stars
U Schröder, HW Becker, G Bogaert, J Görres, C Rolfs, HP Trautvetter, ...
Nuclear Physics A 467 (2), 240-260, 1987
Isotopic dependence of electron screening in fusion reactions
S Engstler, G Raimann, C Angulo, U Greife, C Rolfs, U Schröder, ...
Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei 342 (4), 471-482, 1992
Effects of electron screening on the 3He (d, p) 4He low-energy cross sections
S Engstler, A Krauss, K Neldner, C Rolfs, U Schröder, K Langanke
Physics Letters B 202 (2), 179-184, 1988
Isospin dependence of intermediate mass fragment production in heavy-ion collisions at E/A=55 MeV
JF Dempsey, RJ Charity, LG Sobotka, GJ Kunde, S Gaff, CK Gelbke, ...
Physical Review C 54 (4), 1710, 1996
Damped nuclear reactions
WU Schröder, JR Huizenga
Treatise on Heavy-Ion Science: Volume 2 Fusion and Quasi-Fusion Phenomena …, 1985
Intermediate-Mass Fragment Decay of the Neck Zone Formed in Peripheral Collisions
JT al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 2920 (1995). 75, 2920, 1995
Mechanisms of very heavy-ion collisions: The 209Bi+ 136Xe reaction at Elab= 1130 MeV
WU Schröder, JR Birkelund, JR Huizenga, KL Wolf, VE Viola Jr
Physics Reports 45 (5), 301-343, 1978
Test for isotopic dependence of electron screening in fusion reactions
S Engstler, G Raimann, C Angulo, U Greife, C Rolfs, U Schröder, ...
Physics Letters B 279 (1-2), 20-24, 1992
New particle searches
B Adeva, U Becker, R Becker-Szendy, J Berdugo, A Boehm, JG Branson, ...
Physics Letters B 152 (5-6), 439-442, 1985
Multifragment Production in Reactions of and at
GJ Kunde, SJ Gaff, CK Gelbke, T Glasmacher, MJ Huang, R Lemmon, ...
Physical review letters 77 (14), 2897, 1996
Nuclear disassembly of the Pb+Au system at =29 MeV per nucleon
E Piasecki, S Bresson, B Lott, R Bougault, J Colin, E Crema, J Galin, ...
Physical review letters 66 (10), 1291, 1991
Statistical scission model of fission-fragment angular distributions
HH Rossner, JR Huizenga, WU Schröder
Physical Review Letters 53 (1), 38, 1984
Preequilibrium neutron emission in fusion of C at 25 MeV per nucleon
E Holub, D Hilscher, G Ingold, U Jahnke, H Orf, H Rossner, WP Zank, ...
Physical Review C 33 (1), 143, 1986
Influence of rotation-induced nuclear deformation on α-particle evaporation spectra
JR Huizenga, AN Behkami, IM Govil, WU Schröder, J Toke
Physical Review C 40 (2), 668, 1989
Helium burning of22Ne
K Wolke, V Harms, HW Becker, JW Hammer, KL Kratz, C Rolfs, ...
Zeitschrift für Physik A Atomic Nuclei 334, 491-510, 1989
Low-energy resonances in 25Mg (p, γ) 26Al, 26Mg (p, γ) 27Al and 27Al (p, γ) 28Si
C Iliadis, T Schange, C Rolfs, U Schröder, E Somorjai, HP Trautvetter, ...
Nuclear Physics A 512 (3), 509-530, 1990
Energy dissipation and nucleon transfer in heavy-ion reactions
JR Huizenga, JR Birkelund, WU Schröder, KL Wolf, VE Viola Jr
Physical Review Letters 37 (14), 885, 1976
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