Jill G Zwicker
BrainNetCNN: Convolutional neural networks for brain networks; towards predicting neurodevelopment
J Kawahara, CJ Brown, SP Miller, BG Booth, V Chau, RE Grunau, ...
NeuroImage 146, 1038-1049, 2017
Developmental coordination disorder: a review and update
JG Zwicker, C Missiuna, SR Harris, LA Boyd
European journal of paediatric neurology 16 (6), 573-581, 2012
Quality of life domains affected in children with developmental coordination disorder: a systematic review
JG Zwicker, SR Harris, AF Klassen
Child: care, health and development 39 (4), 562-580, 2013
Brain activation associated with motor skill practice in children with developmental coordination disorder: an fMRI study
JG Zwicker, C Missiuna, SR Harris, LA Boyd
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 29 (2), 145-152, 2011
Developmental coordination disorder in school-aged children born very preterm and/or at very low birth weight: a systematic review
J Edwards, M Berube, K Erlandson, S Haug, H Johnstone, M Meagher, ...
Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 32 (9), 678-687, 2011
Neural correlates of developmental coordination disorder: a review of hypotheses
JG Zwicker, C Missiuna, LA Boyd
Journal of child neurology 24 (10), 1273-1281, 2009
Quality of life of formerly preterm and very low birth weight infants from preschool age to adulthood: a systematic review
JG Zwicker, SR Harris
Pediatrics 121 (2), e366-e376, 2008
Brain activation of children with developmental coordination disorder is different than peers
JG Zwicker, C Missiuna, SR Harris, LA Boyd
Pediatrics 126 (3), e678-e686, 2010
Smaller cerebellar growth and poorer neurodevelopmental outcomes in very preterm infants exposed to neonatal morphine
JG Zwicker, SP Miller, RE Grunau, V Chau, R Brant, C Studholme, M Liu, ...
The Journal of pediatrics 172, 81-87. e2, 2016
Diagnosis and management of developmental coordination disorder
SR Harris, ECR Mickelson, JG Zwicker
Cmaj 187 (9), 659-665, 2015
A reflection on motor learning theory in pediatric occupational therapy practice
JG Zwicker, SR Harris
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 76 (1), 29-37, 2009
Neonatal pain and infection relate to smaller cerebellum in very preterm children at school age
M Ranger, JG Zwicker, CMY Chau, MTM Park, MM Chakravarthy, ...
The Journal of pediatrics 167 (2), 292-298. e1, 2015
Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology–II and neonatal pain predict corticospinal tract development in premature newborns
JG Zwicker, RE Grunau, E Adams, V Chau, R Brant, KJ Poskitt, A Synnes, ...
Pediatric neurology 48 (2), 123-129. e1, 2013
Developmental coordination disorder is more than a motor problem: Children describe the impact of daily struggles on their quality of life
JG Zwicker, M Suto, SR Harris, N Vlasakova, C Missiuna
British journal of occupational therapy 81 (2), 65-73, 2018
Perinatal and neonatal predictors of developmental coordination disorder in very low birthweight children
JG Zwicker, SW Yoon, M MacKay, J Petrie-Thomas, M Rogers, ...
Archives of disease in childhood 98 (2), 118-122, 2013
Developmental coordination disorder: a pilot diffusion tensor imaging study
JG Zwicker, C Missiuna, SR Harris, LA Boyd
Pediatric neurology 46 (3), 162-167, 2012
Brain imaging increases our understanding of developmental coordination disorder: a review of literature and future directions
M Brown-Lum, JG Zwicker
Current Developmental Disorders Reports 2, 131-140, 2015
Cognitive versus multisensory approaches to handwriting intervention: A randomized controlled trial
JG Zwicker, AF Hadwin
OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health 29 (1), 40-48, 2009
Health-related quality of life of children with developmental coordination disorder
HC Karras, DN Morin, K Gill, S Izadi-Najafabadi, JG Zwicker
Research in developmental disabilities 84, 85-95, 2019
Sensory processing patterns in children born very preterm
SC Crozier, JZ Goodson, ML Mackay, AR Synnes, RE Grunau, SP Miller, ...
The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 70 (1), 7001220050p1-7001220050p7, 2016
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