Functions of bounded variation on “good” metric spaces M Miranda Jr
Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées 82 (8), 975-1004, 2003
348 2003 Short-time heat flow and functions of bounded variation in M Miranda Jr, D Pallara, F Paronetto, M Preunkert
Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse: Mathématiques 16 (1), 125-145, 2007
108 2007 BV functions in abstract Wiener spaces L Ambrosio, M Miranda Jr, S Maniglia, D Pallara
Journal of Functional Analysis 258 (3), 785-813, 2010
91 2010 Asymptotic spectra of Hermitian block Toeplitz matrices and preconditioning results M Miranda, P Tilli
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 21 (3), 867-881, 2000
83 2000 Heat semigroup and functions of bounded variation on Riemannian manifolds M Miranda Jr, D Pallara, F Paronetto, M Preunkert
Walter de Gruyter 2007 (613), 99-119, 2007
69 2007 Some isoperimetric problems in planes with density A Canete, M Miranda, D Vittone
Journal of Geometric Analysis 20, 243-290, 2010
57 2010 Fractional Laplacians, perimeters and heat semigroups in Carnot groups F Ferrara, M Miranda, D Pallara, A Pinamonti, Y Sire
42 2018 Characterizations of sets of finite perimeter using heat kernels in metric spaces N Marola, M Miranda, N Shanmugalingam
Potential Analysis 45, 609-633, 2016
34 2016 Two characterization of BV functions on Carnot groups via the heat semigroup M Bramanti, M Miranda, D Pallara
International Mathematics Research Notices 2012 (17), 3845-3876, 2012
28 2012 On one-dimensional continua uniformly approximating planar sets M Miranda Jr, E Paolini, E Stepanov
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 27 (3), 287-309, 2006
27 2006 On a type of evolution of self-referred and hereditary phenomena M Miranda Jr, E Pascali
Aequationes mathematicae 71 (3), 253-268, 2006
27 2006 Total variation and Cheeger sets in Gauss space V Caselles, M Miranda Jr, M Novaga
Journal of Functional Analysis 259 (6), 1491-1516, 2010
26 2010 Towards a theory of BV functions in abstract Wiener spaces L Ambrosio, M Miranda Jr, S Maniglia, D Pallara
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 239 (15), 1458-1469, 2010
26 2010 Local higher integrability for parabolic quasiminimizers in metric spaces M Masson, M Miranda Jr, F Paronetto, M Parviainen
Ricerche di Matematica 62 (2), 279-305, 2013
23 2013 Geometric Properties of Planar BV -Extension Domains P Koskela, M Miranda Jr, N Shanmugalingam
Around the Research of Vladimir Maz'ya I: Function Spaces, 255-272, 2009
22 2009 BV Functions on Convex Domains in Wiener SpacesA Lunardi, M Miranda Jr, D Pallara
Potential Analysis 43 (1), 23-48, 2015
19 2015 Infinite dimensional analysis A Lunardi, M Miranda, D Pallara
19th Internet Seminar 2016, 2015
17 2015 BV functions and parabolic initial boundary value problems on domainsL Angiuli, M Miranda Jr, D Pallara, F Paronetto
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 188 (2), 297-331, 2009
13 2009 On a class of differential equations with self-reference M Miranda, E Pascali
Rend. Mat. Appl 25, 155-164, 2005
13 2005 Geometric properties of the heat content L Angiuli, U Massari, M Miranda
manuscripta mathematica 140, 497-529, 2013
11 2013