Wijnand Veeneman
Wijnand Veeneman
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Competing management approaches in large engineering projects: The Dutch RandstadRail project
J Koppenjan, W Veeneman, H Van der Voort, E Ten Heuvelhof, M Leijten
International Journal of Project Management 29 (6), 740-750, 2011
Public transport regimes and mobility as a service: Governance approaches in Amsterdam, Birmingham, and Helsinki
F Hirschhorn, A Paulsson, CH Sørensen, W Veeneman
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 130, 178-191, 2019
Decision-making for light rail
H De Bruijn, W Veeneman
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 43 (4), 349-359, 2009
Games in a world of infrastructures
I Mayer, W Veeneman
University of Chicago Press, 2003
Competitive tendering in The Netherlands: Central planning vs. functional specifications
D Van de Velde, W Veeneman, LL Schipholt
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 42 (9), 1152-1162, 2008
Multi-level governance in public transport: Governmental layering and its influence on public transport service solutions
W Veeneman, C Mulley
Research in Transportation Economics 69, 430-437, 2018
Managing public values in public-private networks: A comparative study of innovative public infrastructure projects
N Van Gestel, J Koppenjan, I Schrijver, A Van De Ven, W Veeneman
Public Money and Management 28 (3), 139-145, 2008
Creating value through data collaboratives: Balancing innovation and control
B Klievink, H Van Der Voort, W Veeneman
Information Polity 23 (4), 379-397, 2018
From clouds to hailstorms: a policy and administrative science perspective on safeguarding public values in networked infrastructures
W Veeneman, W Dicke, M De Bruijne
International journal of public policy 4 (5), 414-434, 2009
Creating system innovation: How large scale transitions emerge
H de Bruijn, H van der Voort, W Dicke, M De Jong, W Veeneman
CRC Press, 2004
Follow the rainbow: a knowledge management framework for new product introduction
PM Herder, WW Veeneman, MDJ Buitenhuis, A Schaller
Journal of Knowledge Management 7 (3), 105-115, 2003
Mind the Gap. Bridging theories and practice for the organisation of metropolitan public transport
W Veeneman
The governance of attractive public transport: Informal institutions, institutional entrepreneurs, and problem-solving know-how in Oslo and Amsterdam
F Hirschhorn, D van de Velde, W Veeneman, E ten Heuvelhof
Research in Transportation Economics 83, 100829, 2020
Shared micromobility and public transport integration-A mode choice study using stated preference data
A Montes, N Geržinic, W Veeneman, N van Oort, S Hoogendoorn
Research in Transportation Economics 99, 101302, 2023
Inventory and rating of performance indicators and organisational features in metropolitan public transport: A worldwide Delphi survey
F Hirschhorn, W Veeneman, D van de Velde
Research in Transportation Economics 69, 144-156, 2018
Developments in public transport governance in the Netherlands: A brief history and recent developments
W Veeneman, D van de Velde
Research in Transportation Economics 48, 41-47, 2014
Changing tracks: identifying and tackling bottlenecks in European rail passenger transport
F Witlox, T Zwanikken, L Jehee, B Donners, W Veeneman
European Transport Research Review 14 (1), 7, 2022
Meervoudig ruimtegebruik en het management van meerstemmige processen: vijftien voorbeelden in perspectief van grillig procesverloop, ruime ambities en meerstemmige sturing van …
JA de Bruijn
Boom Koninklijke Uitgevers, 2004
Marktwerking op weg, Over concurrentiebevordering in infrastructuurgebonden sectoren
M Van Twist, W Veeneman
LEMMA BV: Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1999
Austerity in public transport in Europe: The influence of governance
W Veeneman, K Augustin, M Enoch, BF d'Arcier, S Malpezzi, N Wijmenga
Research in Transportation Economics 51, 31-39, 2015
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