High-pressure laminar flame speeds and kinetic modeling of carbon monoxide/hydrogen combustion H Sun, SI Yang, G Jomaas, CK Law Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 31 (1), 439-446, 2007 | 491 | 2007 |
Application of biomass fast pyrolysis part I: Pyrolysis characteristics and products SI Yang, MS Wu, CY Wu Energy 66, 162-171, 2014 | 145 | 2014 |
Application of biomass fast pyrolysis part II: The effects that bio-pyrolysis oil has on the performance of diesel engines SI Yang, TC Hsu, CY Wu, KH Chen, YL Hsu, YH Li Energy 66, 172-180, 2014 | 91 | 2014 |
Experimental study of porous metal burners for domestic stove applications CY Wu, KH Chen, SY Yang Energy Conversion and Management 77, 380-388, 2014 | 75 | 2014 |
Correlations of high-pressure lean methane and syngas turbulent burning velocities: Effects of turbulent Reynolds, Damköhler, and Karlovitz numbers SS Shy, CC Liu, JY Lin, LL Chen, AN Lipatnikov, SI Yang Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2), 1509-1516, 2015 | 66 | 2015 |
Combustion characteristics of multi-component cedar bio-oil/kerosene droplet MS Wu, SI Yang Energy 113, 788-795, 2016 | 61 | 2016 |
Global quenching of premixed CH4/air flames: Effects of turbulent straining, equivalence ratio, and radiative heat loss SI Yang, SS Shy Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 29 (2), 1841-1847, 2002 | 46 | 2002 |
Spray combustion characteristics of kerosene/bio-oil part I: Experimental study SI Yang, MS Wu, TC Hsu Energy 119, 26-36, 2017 | 45 | 2017 |
Turbulent burning velocities of premixed CH4/diluent/air flames in intense isotropic turbulence with consideration of radiation losses SS Shy, SI Yang, WJ Lin, RC Su Combustion and flame 143 (1-2), 106-118, 2005 | 45 | 2005 |
The droplet combustion and thermal characteristics of pinewood bio-oil from slow pyrolysis SI Yang, MS Wu Energy 141, 2377-2386, 2017 | 42 | 2017 |
Direct and indirect measurements of flame surface density, orientation, and curvature for premixed turbulent combustion modeling in a cruciform burner SS Shy, EI Lee, NW Chang, SI Yang Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 28 (1), 383-390, 2000 | 32 | 2000 |
Spray combustion characteristics of kerosene/bio-oil part II: Numerical study SI Yang, TC Hsu, MS Wu Energy 115, 458-467, 2016 | 29 | 2016 |
Spatially resolved flamelet statistics for reaction rate modeling using premixed methane-air flames in a near-homogeneous turbulence NW Chang, SS Shy, SI Yang, TS Yang Combustion and Flame 127 (1-2), 1880-1894, 2001 | 29 | 2001 |
Experimental Studies on Combustion and Microexplosion Characteristics of N-Alkane Droplets W Shang, S Yang, T Xuan, Z He, J Cao Energy & Fuels 34 (12), 16613-16623, 2020 | 27 | 2020 |
An experimental study of the influence of temperature on char separation in a moving granular bed SI Yang, IL Chung, SR Wu Powder technology 228, 121-127, 2012 | 27 | 2012 |
Heat-transfer mechanisms of lean premixed CH4/air flame in a ceramic granular bed burner SI Yang, DL Hsu Combustion and flame 160 (3), 692-703, 2013 | 24 | 2013 |
Properties of premixed hydrogen/propane/air flame in ceramic granular beds SI Yang, MS Wu International journal of hydrogen energy 39 (30), 17347-17357, 2014 | 16 | 2014 |
Modeling microexplosion mechanism in droplet combustion: Puffing and droplet breakup A Kumar, HW Chen, S Yang Energy 266, 126369, 2023 | 15 | 2023 |
Self-ignition and Reaction Promotion of H2 with CO2/O2 in Pt-Coated--Al2O3 Bead Reactor TCH CY Wu, S Yang, KH Chen Energy, 524-532, 2016 | 12* | 2016 |
The performance of a diesel engine blended with coffee bean residue pyrolysis oil SI Yang, MS Wu, CY Wu, KH Chen, TM Wu, YL Hsu, PH Lin, YY Ku Advanced Materials Research 591, 325-332, 2012 | 12 | 2012 |