Ayse Akincigil
Ayse Akincigil
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Diagnosis and treatment of depression in the elderly medicare population: predictors, disparities, and trends
S Crystal, U Sambamoorthi, JT Walkup, A Akıncıgil
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 51 (12), 1718-1728, 2003
Adherence to antidepressant treatment among privately insured patients diagnosed with depression
A Akincigil, JR Bowblis, C Levin, JT Walkup, S Jan, S Crystal
Medical care 45 (4), 363-369, 2007
National rates and patterns of depression screening in primary care: results from 2012 and 2013
A Akincigil, EB Matthews
Psychiatric services 68 (7), 660-666, 2017
Studying prescription drug use and outcomes with medicaid claims data: strengths, limitations, and strategies
S Crystal, A Akincigil, S Bilder, JT Walkup
Medical care 45 (10), S58-S65, 2007
Racial and ethnic disparities in depression care in community-dwelling elderly in the United States
A Akincigil, M Olfson, M Siegel, KA Zurlo, JT Walkup, S Crystal
American journal of public health 102 (2), 319-328, 2012
Prevalence and treatment of diagnosed depression among elderly nursing home residents in Ohio
CA Levin, W Wei, A Akincigil, JA Lucas, S Bilder, S Crystal
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 8 (9), 585-594, 2007
Diagnosis and treatment of depression in older community‐dwelling adults: 1992–2005
A Akincigil, M Olfson, JT Walkup, MJ Siegel, E Kalay, S Amin, KA Zurlo, ...
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 59 (6), 1042-1051, 2011
Microfinance participation and domestic violence in Bangladesh: results from a nationally representative survey
NS Murshid, A Akincigil, A Zippay
Journal of interpersonal violence 31 (9), 1579-1596, 2016
The diverse older HIV-positive population: a national profile of economic circumstances, social support, and quality of life
S Crystal, A Akincigil, U Sambamoorthi, N Wenger, JA Fleishman, ...
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 33, S76-S83, 2003
Long-term adherence to evidence based secondary prevention therapies after acute myocardial infarction
A Akincigil, JR Bowblis, C Levin, S Jan, M Patel, S Crystal
Journal of general internal medicine 23, 115-121, 2008
Gender and age disparities for smoking-cessation treatment
MB Steinberg, A Akincigil, CD Delnevo, S Crystal, JL Carson
American journal of preventive medicine 30 (5), 405-412, 2006
Meaningful use of electronic health records: experiences from the field and future opportunities
SP Slight, ES Berner, W Galanter, S Huff, BL Lambert, C Lannon, ...
JMIR Medical Informatics 3 (3), e4457, 2015
Predictors of maternal depression in the first year postpartum: marital status and mediating role of relationship quality
A Akincigil, S Munch, KC Niemczyk
Social Work in Health Care 49 (3), 227-244, 2010
Psychiatric rehospitalization among elderly persons in the United States
JD Prince, A Akincigil, E Kalay, JT Walkup, DR Hoover, J Lucas, J Bowblis, ...
Psychiatric services 59 (9), 1038-1045, 2008
The relationship between organizational factors and resident satisfaction with nursing home care and life
JA Lucas, CA Levin, TJ Lowe, B Robertson, A Akincigil, U Sambamoorthi, ...
Journal of Aging & Social Policy 19 (2), 125-151, 2007
National trends in second-generation antipsychotic augmentation for nonpsychotic depression
T Gerhard, A Akincigil, CU Correll, NJ Foglio, S Crystal, M Olfson
The Journal of clinical psychiatry 75 (5), 12460, 2014
Serious mental illness and risk of new HIV/AIDS diagnoses: an analysis of Medicaid beneficiaries in eight states
JD Prince, J Walkup, A Akincigil, S Amin, S Crystal
Psychiatric services 63 (10), 1032-1038, 2012
Incarceration rates of persons with first-admission psychosis
JD Prince, A Akincigil, E Bromet
Psychiatric Services 58 (9), 1173-1180, 2007
The quality of medication treatment for mental disorders in the Department of Veterans Affairs and in private-sector plans
KE Watkins, B Smith, A Akincigil, ME Sorbero, S Paddock, A Woodroffe, ...
Psychiatric Services 67 (4), 391-396, 2016
Foster care, externalizing disorders, and antipsychotic use among Medicaid-enrolled youths
L Vanderwerker, A Akincigil, M Olfson, T Gerhard, S Neese-Todd, ...
Psychiatric Services 65 (10), 1281-1284, 2014
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