Róger Moya
Róger Moya
Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
A review of heartwood properties of Tectona grandis trees from fast-growth plantations
R Moya, B Bond, H Quesada
Wood Science and Technology 48, 411-433, 2014
Fuelwood characteristics and its relation with extractives and chemical properties of ten fast-growth species in Costa Rica
R Moya, C Tenorio
Biomass and bioenergy 56, 14-21, 2013
Wood colour variation in sapwood and heartwood of young trees of Tectona grandis and its relationship with plantation characteristics, site, and decay resistance
R Moya, A Berrocal
Annals of Forest Science 67 (1), 109, 2010
Physical and mechanical properties of eight fast-growing plantation species in Costa Rica
R Moya, F Muñoz
Journal of Tropical forest science, 317-328, 2010
Manual para productores de melina Gmelina arborea en Costa Rica
F Rojas, D Arias, R Moya, A Meza, O Murillo, M Arguedas
Instituto Técnico de Costa Rica. Cartago, 2004
Relationship between wood color parameters measured by the CIELab system and extractive and phenol content in Acacia mangium and Vochysia guatemalensis from fast-growth plantations
R Moya, RS Fallas, PJ Bonilla, C Tenorio
Molecules 17 (4), 3639-3652, 2012
Comparative study on physical and mechanical properties of laminated veneer lumber and plywood panels made of wood from fast-growing Gmelina arborea trees
C Tenorio, R Moya, F Muñoz
Journal of wood science 57, 134-139, 2011
Evaluation of wood properties from six native species of forest plantations in Costa Rica
C Tenorio, R Moya, C Salas, A Berrocal
Bosque 37 (1), 71-84, 2016
Variation of wood color parameters of Tectona grandis and its relationship with physical environmental factors
R Moya, J Calvo-Alvarado
Annals of Forest Science 69, 947-959, 2012
Effects of adding nano-clay (montmorillonite) on performance of polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) and urea-formaldehyde (UF) adhesives in Carapa guianensis, a tropical species
R Moya, A Rodríguez-Zúñiga, J Vega-Baudrit, V Álvarez
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 59, 62-70, 2015
Grouping of Tectona grandis (L.f.) clones using wood color and stiffness
R Moya, JD Marín
New Forests 42, 329-345, 2011
Quality of pellets made from agricultural and forestry crops in Costa Rican tropical climates
C Tenorio, R Moya, M Tomazello Filho, J Valaert
BioResources 10 (1), 482-498, 2015
Procesamiento, uso y mercado de la madera en Costa Rica: aspectos históricos y análisis crítico
JR Serrano-Montero, R Moya-Roque
Revista Forestal Mesoamericana Kurú 8 (21), ág. 1-12, 2011
Wood of Gmelina arborea in Costa Rica
RM Roque
New Forests 28, 299-307, 2004
Use of coffee (Coffea arabica) pulp for the production of briquettes and pellets for heat generation
R Cubero-Abarca, R Moya, J Valaret, M Tomazello Filho
Ciência e Agrotecnologia 38, 461-470, 2014
Thermogravimetric characteristics, its relation with extractives and chemical properties and combustion characteristics of ten fast-growth species in Costa Rica
C Tenorio, R Moya
Thermochimica Acta 563, 12-21, 2013
Correlation and modeling between color variation and quality of the surface between accelerated and natural tropical weathering in Acacia mangium, Cedrela odorata and …
JC Valverde, R Moya
Color Research & Application 39 (5), 519-529, 2014
Moisture content variability in kiln-dried Gmelina arborea wood: effect of radial position and anatomical features
F Muñoz, R Moya
Journal of Wood Science 54, 318-322, 2008
Tecnología de madera de plantaciones forestales: Fichas técnicas
R Moya-Roque, F Muñoz-Acosta, C Salas-Garita, A Berrocal-Jiménez, ...
Revista forestal mesoamericana Kurù 7 (18-19), ág. 1-208, 2010
Variation in the wood anatomical structure of Gmelina arborea (Verbenaceae) trees at different ecological conditions in Costa Rica
R Moya, M Tomazello Fo
Revista de Biología Tropical 56 (2), 689-704, 2008
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