Ignacio Cifre
Ignacio Cifre
Profesor de métodos de investigación (URL) e Investigador en Universitat de les Illes Balears
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Disrupted functional connectivity of the pain network in fibromyalgia
I Cifre, C Sitges, D Fraiman, MÁ Muñoz, P Balenzuela, ...
Biopsychosocial Science and Medicine 74 (1), 55-62, 2012
Apego y psicopatología en adolescentes y jóvenes que han sufrido maltrato: implicaciones clínicas
S Camps-Pons, JA Castillo-Garayoa, I Cifre
Clínica y salud 25 (1), 67-74, 2014
Altered dynamic of EEG oscillations in fibromyalgia patients at rest
AM González-Roldán, I Cifre, C Sitges, P Montoya
Pain Medicine 17 (6), 1058-1068, 2016
Modular organization of brain resting state networks in chronic back pain patients
P Balenzuela, A Chernomoretz, D Fraiman, I Cifre, C Sitges, P Montoya, ...
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 4, 116, 2010
Insula‐based networks in professional musicians: Evidence for increased functional connectivity during resting state fMRI
AM Zamorano, I Cifre, P Montoya, I Riquelme, B Kleber
Human brain mapping 38 (10), 4834-4849, 2017
Age-related changes of pain experience in cerebral palsy and healthy individuals
I Riquelme, I Cifre, P Montoya
Pain Medicine 12 (4), 535-545, 2011
Temporal dissociation in the brain processing of pain and anger faces with different intensities of emotional expression
AM González-Roldan, M Martínez-Jauand, MA Muñoz-García, C Sitges, ...
PAIN® 152 (4), 853-859, 2011
Altered psychophysiological responses to the view of others' pain and anger faces in fibromyalgia patients
AM González-Roldán, MA Muñoz, I Cifre, C Sitges, P Montoya
The Journal of Pain 14 (7), 709-719, 2013
Age-of-onset of menopause is associated with enhanced painful and non-painful sensitivity in fibromyalgia
M Martínez-Jauand, C Sitges, J Femenia, I Cifre, S González, D Chialvo, ...
Clinical rheumatology 32, 975-981, 2013
Somatosensory activity modulation during observation of other's pain and touch
M Martínez-Jauand, AM González-Roldán, MA Muñoz, C Sitges, I Cifre, ...
Brain Research 1467, 48-55, 2012
Using deep learning and resting-state fMRI to classify chronic pain conditions
AN Santana, I Cifre, CN De Santana, P Montoya
Frontiers in neuroscience 13, 1313, 2019
Differences in somatosensory processing due to dominant hemispheric motor impairment in cerebral palsy
I Riquelme, I Padrón, I Cifre, AM González-Roldán, P Montoya
BMC neuroscience 15, 1-9, 2014
Further results on why a point process is effective for estimating correlation between brain regions
I Cifre, M Zarepour, SG Horovitz, SA Cannas, DR Chialvo
Papers in physics 12, 120003-120003, 2020
Increased functional connectivity patterns in mild Alzheimer’s disease: a rsfMRI study
L Penalba-Sánchez, P Oliveira-Silva, AL Sumich, I Cifre
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 14, 1037347, 2023
Psychological distress in erectile dysfunction: the moderating role of attachment
F Maestre-Lorén, JA Castillo-Garayoa, X López-i-Martín, J Sarquella-Geli, ...
Sexual Medicine 9 (5), 100436, 2021
Experience-dependent neuroplasticity in trained musicians modulates the effects of chronic pain on insula-based networks–A resting-state fMRI study
AM Zamorano, P Montoya, I Cifre, P Vuust, I Riquelme, B Kleber
NeuroImage 202, 116103, 2019
Contribuciones de la estimulación multisensorial (Snoezelen) en personas mayores con demencia
C Solé, I Cifré, M Celdrán Castro, M Gaspar, L Rodríguez
Asociación INFAD, 2019
Are physiotherapists reliable proxies for the recognition of pain in individuals with cerebral palsy? A cross sectional study
I Riquelme, I Cifre, P Montoya
Disability and Health Journal 8 (2), 264-270, 2015
Antecedent events as predictive variables for behavioral function
D Simó-Pinatella, J Font-Roura, E Alomar-Kurz, C Giné, JL Matson, I Cifre
Research in Developmental Disabilities 34 (12), 4582-4590, 2013
RETRACTED: Questions About Behavioral Function (QABF): Adaptation and validation of the Spanish version
D Simó-Pinatella, E Alomar-Kurz, J Font-Roura, C Giné, JL Matson, I Cifre
Research in developmental disabilities 34 (4), 1248-1255, 2013
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