Paulo Petry
Paulo Petry
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Freshwater ecoregions of the world: a new map of biogeographic units for freshwater biodiversity conservation
R Abell, ML Thieme, C Revenga, M Bryer, M Kottelat, N Bogutskaya, ...
BioScience 58 (5), 403-414, 2008
Mapping the world’s free-flowing rivers
G Grill, B Lehner, M Thieme, B Geenen, D Tickner, F Antonelli, S Babu, ...
Nature 569 (7755), 215-221, 2019
Balancing hydropower and biodiversity in the Amazon, Congo, and Mekong
KO Winemiller, PB McIntyre, L Castello, E Fluet-Chouinard, T Giarrizzo, ...
Science 351 (6269), 128-129, 2016
Fish biodiversity and conservation in South America
RE Reis, JS Albert, F Di Dario, MM Mincarone, P Petry, LA Rocha
Journal of fish biology 89 (1), 12-47, 2016
The vulnerability of Amazon freshwater ecosystems
L Castello, DG McGrath, LL Hess, MT Coe, PA Lefebvre, P Petry, ...
Conservation letters 6 (4), 217-229, 2013
Major biogeographic and phylogenetic patterns
JS Albert, P Petry, RE Reis
Historical biogeography of Neotropical freshwater fishes 1, 3-20, 2011
Relationships between fish assemblages, macrophytes and environmental gradients in the Amazon River floodplain
P Petry, PB Bayley, DF Markle
Journal of fish biology 63 (3), 547-579, 2003
Patterns of nucleotide change in mitochondrial ribosomal RNA genes and the phylogeny of piranhas
G Ortí, P Petry, JIR Porto, M Jégu, A Meyer
Journal of Molecular Evolution 42, 169-182, 1996
Goliath catfish spawning in the far western Amazon confirmed by the distribution of mature adults, drifting larvae and migrating juveniles
RB Barthem, M Goulding, RG Leite, C Cañas, B Forsberg, E Venticinque, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 41784, 2017
An explicit GIS-based river basin framework for aquatic ecosystem conservation in the Amazon
E Venticinque, B Forsberg, R Barthem, P Petry, L Hess, A Mercado, ...
Earth System Science Data 8 (2), 651-661, 2016
Ecosystem‐based management of Amazon fisheries and wetlands
M Goulding, E Venticinque, MLB Ribeiro, RB Barthem, RG Leite, ...
Fish and Fisheries 20 (1), 138-158, 2019
Conservation and management of ornamental fish resources of the Rio Negro Basin, Amazonia, Brazil.(Project Piaba)
NL Chao, P Petry, G Prang, L Sonneschien, M Tlusty
Concordance of freshwater and terrestrial biodiversity
R Abell, M Thieme, TH Ricketts, N Olwero, R Ng, P Petry, E Dinerstein, ...
Conservation Letters 4 (2), 127-136, 2011
Aquatic biodiversity in the Amazon: habitat specialization and geographic isolation promote species richness
JS Albert, TP Carvalho, P Petry, MA Holder, EL Maxime, J Espino, ...
Animals 1 (2), 205-241, 2011
Diel variation of larval fish abundance in the Amazon and Rio Negro
CARM Araújo-Lima, VV Da Silva, P Petry, EC Oliveira, SML Moura
Brazilian Journal of Biology 61, 357-362, 2001
Upland and lowland fishes: a test of the river capture hypothesis
JS Albert, JM Craig, VA Tagliacollo, P Petry
Mountains, climate and biodiversity, 273-294, 2018
Returns on investment in watershed conservation: Application of a best practices analytical framework to the Rio Camboriú Water Producer program, Santa Catarina, Brazil
T Kroeger, C Klemz, T Boucher, JRB Fisher, E Acosta, AT Cavassani, ...
Science of the Total Environment 657, 1368-1381, 2019
Policultivo de matrinchã (Brycon sp.) e jaraqui (Semaprochilodus sp.) em pequenas represas
EW Craef, EK Resende, P Petry, A Storti Filho
Acta Amazonica 17 (suppl 1), 33-42, 1987
A new family of neotropical freshwater fishes from deep fossorial Amazonian habitat, with a reappraisal of morphological characiform phylogeny (Teleostei: Ostariophysi).
M De Pinna, J Zuanon, LR Py-Daniel, P Petry
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 182 (1), 76-106, 2018
Opportunities for natural infrastructure to improve urban water security in Latin America
B Tellman, RI McDonald, JH Goldstein, AL Vogl, M Flörke, D Shemie, ...
PloS one 13 (12), e0209470, 2018
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