James E Stewart
James E Stewart
University of Exeter; Devon and Severn IFCA
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Conducting robust ecological analyses with climate data
AJ Suggitt, PJ Platts, IM Barata, JJ Bennie, MD Burgess, N Bystriakova, ...
Oikos 126 (11), 1533-1541, 2017
Techniques for chronic monitoring of brain activity in freely moving sheep using wireless EEG recording
N Perentos, AU Nicol, AQ Martins, JE Stewart, P Taylor, AJ Morton
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 279, 87 - 100, 2017
Linking inter‐annual variation in environment, phenology, and abundance for a montane butterfly community
JE Stewart, JG Illán, SA Richards, D Gutiérrez, RJ Wilson
Ecology 101 (1), e02906, 2020
A stop-signal task for sheep: introduction and validation of a direct measure for the stop-signal reaction time
F Knolle, SD McBride, JE Stewart, RP Goncalves, AJ Morton
Animal Cognition, 1-12, 2017
Finescale ecological niche modeling provides evidence that lactating gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) prefer access to fresh water in order to drink
JE Stewart, PP Pomeroy, CD Duck, SD Twiss
Marine Mammal Science 30 (4), 1456-1472, 2014
Identifying juvenile and sub-adult movements to inform recovery strategies for a high value fishery—European bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
T Stamp, D Clarke, S Plenty, T Robbins, JE Stewart, E West, E Sheehan
ICES Journal of Marine Science 78 (9), 3121-3134, 2021
Climate-driven variation in biotic interactions provides a narrow and variable window of opportunity for an insect herbivore at its ecological margin
JE Stewart, IMD Maclean, G Trujillo, J Bridle, RJ Wilson
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 377 (1848), 20210021, 2022
Microclimate and resource quality determine resource use in a range-expanding herbivore
JE Stewart, IMD Maclean, AJ Edney, J Bridle, RJ Wilson
Biology letters 17 (8), 20210175, 2021
Intraseasonal temporal variation of reproductive effort for male grey seals
AM Bishop, JE Stewart, P Pomeroy, SD Twiss
Animal Behaviour 134, 167-175, 2017
Drivers and implications of change in an inshore multi-species fishery
L Henly, JE Stewart, SD Simpson
ICES Journal of Marine Science 78 (5), 1815-1825, 2021
Linking phenology to population dynamics and distribution change in a changing climate
JE Stewart
PQDT-Global, 2020
Fine-scale determinants of female grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) pupping site and habitat preferences at North Rona, Scotland.
Durham University, 2013
Erratum to: Drivers and implications of change in an inshore multi-species fishery
L Henly, JE Stewart, SD Simpson
ICES Journal of Marine Science 78 (8), 3015-3015, 2021
Low trophic redundancy among temperate wrasse species implies ecosystem risks associated with a multi-species inshore fishery
L Henly, JE Stewart, J Newton, C Trueman
Marine Ecology Progress Series 734, 105-121, 2024
Climate-driven variation in the quality and phenology of novel hosts presents a variable window of opportunity for a range-expanding herbivore
RJ Wilson, JE Stewart, I Maclean, JR Bridle
Linking inter-annual variation in environment, phenology, and abundance for a montane butterfly community (dataset)
J Stewart, J Gutiérrez Illán, SA Richards, D Gutiérrez, RJ Wilson
University of Exeter, 2019
POSTnote 604: Climate Change and Fisheries. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
JE Stewart, J Wentworth …, 2019
Global Climate Change and Terrestrial Invertebrates: An invertebrate book with spine
JE Stewart
Frontiers of Biogeography 9 (3), 2017
Appendix 1. Supplementary Methods and Results for ‘Microclimate and resource quality determine resource use in a range-expanding herbivore’.
JE Stewart, IMD Maclean, AJ Edney, J Bridle, RJ Wilson
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