Artikkelit, joihin on yleisen käytön mandaatti - Omid Namvar GharehshiranLisätietoja
Ei saatavilla missään: 1
A distributed coalition game approach to femto-cloud formation
SMS Tanzil, ON Gharehshiran, V Krishnamurthy
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 7 (1), 129-140, 2016
Mandaatit: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Saatavilla jossain: 2
Adaptive search algorithms for discrete stochastic optimization: A smooth best-response approach
ON Gharehshiran, V Krishnamurthy, G Yin
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (1), 161-176, 2017
Mandaatit: US Department of Defense, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council …
Detection of Homophilic Communities and Coordination of Interacting Meta-Agents: A Game-Theoretic Viewpoint
O Namvar Gharehshiran, W Hoiles, V Krishnamurthy
IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks 2 (1 …, 2016
Mandaatit: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Social Sciences …
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