Mohammed El Hadi Attia
Mohammed El Hadi Attia
Pr. in Physics Department, Faculty of Science, El Oued University, ALGERIA
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Enhancement of hemispherical solar still productivity using iron, zinc and copper trays
MEH Attia, AE Kabeel, M Abdelgaied, FA Essa, ZM Omara
Solar Energy 216, 295-302, 2021
Improving the thermo-economic performance of hemispherical solar distiller using copper oxide nanofluids and phase change materials: Experimental and theoretical investigation
M Abdelgaied, MEH Attia, AE Kabeel, ME Zayed
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 238, 111596, 2022
A review on PCM and nanofluid for various productivity enhancement methods for double slope solar still: Future challenge and current water issues
A Sangeetha, S Shanmugan, AJ Alrubaie, MM Jaber, H Panchal, ...
Desalination 551, 116367, 2023
Effect of aluminum balls on the productivity of solar distillate
MEH Attia, Z Driss, AM Manokar, R Sathyamurthy
Journal of Energy Storage 30, 101466, 2020
Sustainable potable water production from conventional solar still during the winter season at Algerian dry areas: energy and exergy analysis
MEH Attia, A Karthick, AM Manokar, Z Driss, AE Kabeel, R Sathyamurthy, ...
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 145, 1215-1225, 2021
Phosphate bed as energy storage materials for augmentation of conventional solar still productivity
MEH Attia, Z Driss, AE Kabeel, A Afzal, AM Manokar, R Sathyamurthy
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 40 (4), e13581, 2021
Comparative study of hemispherical solar distillers iron-fins
MEH Attia, AE Kabeel, M Abdelgaied, WM El-Maghlany, A Bellila
Journal of Cleaner Production 292, 126071, 2021
Enhancing the solar still output using micro/nano-particles of aluminum oxide at different concentrations: an experimental study, energy, exergy and economic analysis
B Benoudina, MEH Attia, Z Driss, A Afzal, AM Manokar, R Sathyamurthy
Sustainable Materials and Technologies 29, e00291, 2021
Hemispherical solar still: Recent advances and development
O Younis, AK Hussein, MEH Attia, FL Rashid, L Kolsi, U Biswal, ...
Energy Reports 8, 8236-8258, 2022
Optimal concentration of El Oued sand grains as energy storage materials for enhancement of hemispherical distillers performance
MEH Attia, AE Kabeel, M Abdelgaied
Journal of Energy Storage 36, 102415, 2021
Phosphate bags as energy storage materials for enhancement of solar still performance
MEH Attia, Z Driss, AE Kabeel, K Alagar, MM Athikesavan, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 21540-21552, 2021
Optimal size of black gravel as energy storage materials for performance improvement of hemispherical distillers
MEH Attia, M Abdelgaied, MM Abdel-Aziz, A Bellila, A Abdullah
Journal of Energy Storage 43, 103196, 2021
A comparative study of hemispherical solar stills with various modifications to obtain modified and inexpensive still models
MEH Attia, AE Kabeel, M Abdelgaied, GB Abdelaziz
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (39), 55667-55677, 2021
Productivity enhancement of hemispherical solar still using Al2O3-water-based nanofluid and cooling the glass cover
A Bellila, MEH Attia, AE Kabeel, M Abdelgaied, K Harby, J Soli
Applied Nanoscience 11 (4), 1127-1139, 2021
Control of methane flame properties by hydrogen fuel addition: Application to power plant combustion chamber
F Bouras, MEH Attia, F Khaldi, M Si-Ameur
International journal of Hydrogen energy 42 (13), 8932-8939, 2017
Improving the freshwater productivity of hemispherical solar distillers using waste aluminum as store materials
A Beggas, M Abdelgaied, MEH Attia, AS Abdulla, MM Abdel-Aziz
Journal of Energy Storage 60, 106692, 2023
Energy and exergy efficiency analysis of solar still incorporated with copper plate and phosphate pellets as energy storage material
AR Prasad, MEH Attia, W Al-Kouz, A Afzal, MM Athikesavan, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 48628-48636, 2021
A comparative study of the effect of internal reflectors on a performance of hemispherical solar distillers: Energy, exergy, and economic analysis
MEH Attia, M Abdelgaied, A Abdullah
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 47, 101465, 2021
Polluted groundwater treatment in southeastern Algeria by solar distillation
A Khechekhouche, B Benhaoua, MEH Attia, Z Driss, A Manokar, ...
Algerian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 6 (1), 2020
Traditional solar distiller improvement by a single external refractor under the climatic conditions of the El-Oued region, Algeria
A Khechekhouche, AE Kabeel, B Benhaoua, MEH Attia, EMS El-Said
Desalination and water treatment 177, 23-28, 2020
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