Giuseppe Pirrò
Giuseppe Pirrò
Associate Professor, Computer Science, University of Calabria
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
A semantic similarity metric combining features and intrinsic information content
G Pirró
Data & Knowledge Engineering 68 (11), 1289-1308, 2009
A feature and information theoretic framework for semantic similarity and relatedness
G Pirró, J Euzenat
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2010: 9th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC …, 2010
Design, implementation and evaluation of a new semantic similarity metric combining features and intrinsic information content
G Pirró, N Seco
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2008
Explaining and Suggesting Relatedness in Knowledge Graphs
G Pirrò
International Semantic Web Conference, 622-639, 2015
Community deception or: How to stop fearing community detection algorithms
V Fionda, G Pirro
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 30 (4), 660-673, 2017
Marrying uncertainty and time in knowledge graphs
M Chekol, G Pirrò, J Schoenfisch, H Stuckenschmidt
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 31 (1), 2017
UFOme: An ontology mapping system with strategy prediction capabilities
G Pirró, D Talia
Data & Knowledge Engineering 69 (5), 444-471, 2010
A DHT-based semantic overlay network for service discovery
G Pirrò, D Talia, P Trunfio
Future Generation Computer Systems 28 (4), 689-707, 2012
A framework for distributed knowledge management: Design and implementation
G Pirró, C Mastroianni, D Talia
Future Generation Computer Systems 26 (1), 38-49, 2010
Semantic navigation on the web of data: specification of routes, web fragments and actions
V Fionda, C Gutierrez, G Pirró
Proceedings of the 21st international conference on World Wide Web, 281-290, 2012
Completeness Statements about RDF Data Sources and Their Use for Query Answering
F Darari, W Nutt, G Pirro, S Razniewski
International Semantic Web Conference, 2013
Ergot: A semantic-based system for service discovery in distributed infrastructures
G Pirro, P Trunfio, D Talia, P Missier, C Goble
2010 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2010
NautiLOD: A Formal Language for the Web of Data Graph
V Fionda, G Pirrò, C Gutierrez
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) 9 (1), 5, 2015
REWOrD: Semantic Relatedness in the Web of Data
G Pirrò
AAAI (Twenty-Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence), 2012
An approach to Ontology Mapping based on the Lucene search engine library
G Pirrò, D Talia
Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2007. DEXA'07. 18th International …, 2007
Alignment-based trust for resource finding in semantic P2P networks
M Atencia, J Euzenat, G Pirro, MC Rousset
International Semantic Web Conference, 51-66, 2011
A context-based semantics for SPARQL property paths over the web
O Hartig, G Pirrò
European semantic web conference, 71-87, 2015
S+ EPP: Construct and Explore Bisimulation Summaries, plus Optimize Navigational Queries; all on Existing SPARQL Systems
MP Consens, V Fionda, S Khatchadourian, G Pirro
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2015
Fact checking via evidence patterns
V Fionda, G Pirrò
Proceedings of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial …, 2018
Completeness management for RDF data sources
F Darari, W Nutt, G Pirrò, S Razniewski
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) 12 (3), 1-53, 2018
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