Artikkelit, joihin on yleisen käytön mandaatti - Kun XuLisätietoja
Ei saatavilla missään: 184
Significantly enhanced energy storage performance promoted by ultimate sized ferroelectric BaTiO3 fillers in nanocomposite films
Y Hao, X Wang, K Bi, J Zhang, Y Huang, L Wu, P Zhao, K Xu, M Lei, L Li
Nano Energy 31, 49-56, 2017
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
SnO2‐in‐Polymer Matrix for High‐Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells with Improved Reproducibility and Stability
J Wei, F Guo, X Wang, K Xu, M Lei, Y Liang, Y Zhao, D Xu
Advanced Materials 30 (52), 1805153, 2018
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A review of structures, verification, and calibration technologies of space robotic systems for on-orbit servicing
XL Ding, YC Wang, YB Wang, K Xu
Science China Technological Sciences 64 (3), 462-480, 2021
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
UV‐Inert ZnTiO3 Electron Selective Layer for Photostable Perovskite Solar Cells
J Wei, F Guo, B Liu, X Sun, X Wang, Z Yang, K Xu, M Lei, Y Zhao, D Xu
Advanced Energy Materials 9 (40), 1901620, 2019
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Study of surface roughness in wire electrochemical micro machining
K Xu, Y Zeng, P Li, D Zhu
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 222, 103-109, 2015
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Vibration assisted wire electrochemical micro machining of array micro tools
K Xu, Y Zeng, P Li, D Zhu
Precision Engineering 47, 487-497, 2017
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Baseband unit cloud interconnection enabled by flexible grid optical networks with software defined elasticity
J Zhang, Y Ji, J Zhang, R Gu, Y Zhao, S Liu, K Xu, M Song, H Li, X Wang
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (9), 90-98, 2015
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Dual-stage soft failure detection and identification for low-margin elastic optical network by exploiting digital spectrum information
L Shu, Z Yu, Z Wan, J Zhang, S Hu, K Xu
Journal of Lightwave Technology 38 (9), 2669-2679, 2019
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Effect of wire cathode surface hydrophilia when using a travelling wire in wire electrochemical micro machining
K Xu, Y Zeng, P Li, X Fang, D Zhu
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 235, 68-74, 2016
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
64-Gb/s SSB-PAM4 transmission over 120-km dispersion-uncompensated SSMF with blind nonlinear equalization, adaptive noise-whitening postfilter and MLSD
Z Wan, J Li, L Shu, S Fu, Y Fan, F Yin, Y Zhou, Y Dai, K Xu
Journal of lightwave technology 35 (23), 5193-5200, 2017
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Low complexity OSNR monitoring and modulation format identification based on binarized neural networks
Y Zhao, Z Yu, Z Wan, S Hu, L Shu, J Zhang, K Xu
Journal of Lightwave Technology 38 (6), 1314-1322, 2020
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Switchable complementary diamond-ring-shaped metasurface for radome application
H Xu, K Bi, Y Hao, J Zhang, J Xu, J Dai, K Xu, J Zhou
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 17 (12), 2494-2497, 2018
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Plasmon induced absorption in a graphene-based nanoribbon waveguide system and its applications in logic gate and sensor
T Zhang, J Zhou, J Dai, Y Dai, X Han, J Li, F Yin, Y Zhou, K Xu
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 (5), 055103, 2018
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Wavelength-selective, tunable and switchable plasmonic perfect absorbers based on phase change materials Ge2Sb2Te5
X Tian, J Xu, K Xu, X Ma, X Duan, P Yang, P Ding, ZY Li
Europhysics Letters 128 (6), 67001, 2020
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Accurate optical vector network analyzer based on optical double-sideband suppressed carrier modulation
J Dai, Z Chen, X Wang, L Ye, T Zhang, K Xu
Optics Communications 447, 61-66, 2019
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Tunable plasmon induced transparency in a metallodielectric grating coupled with graphene metamaterials
T Zhang, J Dai, Y Dai, Y Fan, X Han, J Li, F Yin, Y Zhou, K Xu
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (23), 5142-5149, 2017
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Question answering via phrasal semantic parsing
K Xu, Y Feng, S Huang, D Zhao
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 6th …, 2015
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Modal properties of 2-D implant-defined coherently coupled vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser array
M Xun, C Xu, Y Xie, J Deng, K Xu, H Chen
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 51 (1), 1-6, 2014
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Multilayer graphene-based radiation modulator for adaptive infrared camouflage with thermal management
P Ding, P Wang, J Su, B Mao, M Ren, K Xu, S Tian, Y Li, X Tian, J Wang
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 55 (34), 345103, 2022
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Layered hybrid perovskite solar cells based on single-crystalline precursor solutions with superior reproducibility
Y Dang, J Wei, X Liu, X Wang, K Xu, M Lei, W Hu, X Tao
Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2 (10), 2237-2243, 2018
Mandaatit: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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