Weiqun Zhang
Relativistic jets in collapsars
W Zhang, SE Woosley, AI MacFadyen
The Astrophysical Journal 586 (1), 356, 2003
AMReX: a framework for block-structured adaptive mesh refinement
W Zhang, A Almgren, V Beckner, J Bell, J Blaschke, C Chan, M Day, ...
The Journal of Open Source Software 4 (37), 1370, 2019
The propagation and eruption of relativistic jets from the stellar progenitors of gamma-ray bursts
W Zhang, SE Woosley, A Heger
The Astrophysical Journal 608 (1), 365, 2004
Fallback and black hole production in massive stars
W Zhang, SE Woosley, A Heger
The Astrophysical Journal 679 (1), 639, 2008
Off-axis gamma-ray burst afterglow modeling based on a two-dimensional axisymmetric hydrodynamics simulation
H Van Eerten, W Zhang, A MacFadyen
The Astrophysical Journal 722 (1), 235, 2010
A dynamical model for the evolution of a pulsar wind nebula inside a nonradiative supernova remnant
JD Gelfand, PO Slane, W Zhang
The Astrophysical Journal 703 (2), 2051, 2009
Dark matter from axion strings with adaptive mesh refinement
M Buschmann, JW Foster, A Hook, A Peterson, DE Willcox, W Zhang, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 1049, 2022
The dynamics and afterglow radiation of gamma-ray bursts. I. Constant density medium
W Zhang, A MacFadyen
The Astrophysical Journal 698 (2), 1261, 2009
Warp-X: A new exascale computing platform for beam–plasma simulations
JL Vay, A Almgren, J Bell, L Ge, DP Grote, M Hogan, O Kononenko, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2018
CASTRO: a new compressible astrophysical solver. III. Multigroup radiation hydrodynamics
W Zhang, L Howell, A Almgren, A Burrows, J Dolence, J Bell
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 204 (1), 7, 2012
Three-Dimensional Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of the Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability: magnetic field amplification by a turbulent dynamo
W Zhang, A MacFadyen, P Wang
The Astrophysical Journal 692 (1), L40, 2009
AMReX: Block-structured adaptive mesh refinement for multiphysics applications
W Zhang, A Myers, K Gott, A Almgren, J Bell
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 35 (6 …, 2021
The Merger of a Helium Star and a Black Hole: Gamma-RayBursts
W Zhang, CL Fryer
The Astrophysical Journal 550 (1), 357, 2001
Two-dimensional core-collapse supernova models with multi-dimensional transport
JC Dolence, A Burrows, W Zhang
The Astrophysical Journal 800 (1), 10, 2015
Pushing the frontier in the design of laser-based electron accelerators with groundbreaking mesh-refined particle-in-cell simulations on exascale-class supercomputers
L Fedeli, A Huebl, F Boillod-Cerneux, T Clark, K Gott, C Hillairet, S Jaure, ...
SC22: international conference for high performance computing, networking …, 2022
RAM: a relativistic adaptive mesh refinement hydrodynamics code
W Zhang, AI MacFadyen
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 164 (1), 255, 2006
PeleC: An adaptive mesh refinement solver for compressible reacting flows
MT Henry de Frahan, JS Rood, MS Day, H Sitaraman, S Yellapantula, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 37 (2 …, 2023
Relativistic hydrodynamic flows using spatial and temporal adaptive structured mesh refinement
P Wang, T Abel, W Zhang
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 176 (2), 467, 2008
Boxlib with tiling: An adaptive mesh refinement software framework
W Zhang, A Almgren, M Day, T Nguyen, J Shalf, D Unat
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38 (5), S156-S172, 2016
BoxLib user’s guide
J Bell, A Almgren, V Beckner, M Day, M Lijewski, A Nonaka, W Zhang
github. com/BoxLib-Codes/BoxLib, 2012
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