Customer-based brand equity for a destination M Konecnik, WC Gartner Annals of tourism research 34 (2), 400-421, 2007 | 1779 | 2007 |
Tourism destination brand identity: The case of Slovenia M Konecnik, F Go Journal of brand management 15, 177-189, 2008 | 542 | 2008 |
Human capital and SME internationalization: A structural equation modeling study M Ruzzier, B Antoncic, RD Hisrich, M Konecnik Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2007 | 459 | 2007 |
Tourism destination brand equity dimensions: Renewal versus repeat market WC Gartner, MK Ruzzier Journal of travel research 50 (5), 471-481, 2011 | 445 | 2011 |
Internal branding process: Exploring the role of mediators in top management's leadership–commitment relationship K Terglav, MK Ruzzier, R Kaše International Journal of Hospitality Management 54, 1-11, 2016 | 344 | 2016 |
Temelji trženja: pristop k trženjskemu načinu razmišljanja v 21. stoletju M Konečnik Ruzzier Ljubljana: Meritum, 2011 | 328 | 2011 |
Developing and applying a place brand identity model: The case of Slovenia MK Ruzzier, L De Chernatony Journal of Business Research 66 (1), 45-52, 2013 | 282 | 2013 |
Evaluating Slovenia's image as a tourism destination: A self-analysis process towards building a destination brand M Konecnik Journal of brand management 11, 307-316, 2004 | 227 | 2004 |
Croatian-based brand equity for Slovenia as a tourism destination M Konecnik Economic and business review 8 (1), 83, 2006 | 155 | 2006 |
Trženje v turizmu M Konečnik Ruzzier Ljubljana: Meritum, 2010 | 149 | 2010 |
On the relationship between firm size, resources, age at entry and internationalization: the case of Slovenian SMEs M Ruzzier, MK Ruzzier Journal of business economics and management 16 (1), 52-73, 2015 | 140 | 2015 |
The image as a possible source of competitive advantage of the destination—The case of Slovenia M Konecnik Tourism Review 57 (1/2), 6-12, 2002 | 126 | 2002 |
Transition towards sustainability: Adoption of eco-products among consumers J Hojnik, M Ruzzier, M Konečnik Ruzzier Sustainability 11 (16), 4308, 2019 | 123 | 2019 |
The resource-based approach to the internationalisation of SMEs: Differences in resource bundles between internationalised and non-internationalised companies M Ruzzier, B Antončič, M Konečnik Zagreb International Review of Economics & Business 9 (2), 95-116, 2006 | 101 | 2006 |
Extending the tourism destination image concept into customer-based brand equity for a tourism destination M Konečnik Ruzzier Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 23 (3), 24-42, 2010 | 91 | 2010 |
The influence of previous visitation on customer's evaluation of a tourism destination M Konecnik Ruzzier, M Ruzzier Managing Global Transitions 4 (2), 145-165, 2006 | 62 | 2006 |
Challenges of demographic changes and digitalization on eco-innovation and the circular economy: Qualitative insights from companies J Hojnik, M Ruzzier, MK Ruzzier, B Sučić, B Soltwisch Journal of Cleaner Production 396, 136439, 2023 | 61 | 2023 |
The internationalization strategies of SMEs: The case of the Slovenian hotel industry M Ruzzier, M Konečnik Management: journal of contemporary management issues 11 (1), 17-35, 2006 | 58 | 2006 |
Izzivi proučevanja kompleksne narave blagovne znamke s pomočjo uravnoteženega pogleda nanjo M Konečnik Organizacija 39 (4), 265-272, 2006 | 51 | 2006 |
Brand identity development and the role of marketing communications: brand experts’ view N Petek, M Konecnik Ruzzier Managing Global Transitions 11 (1), 61-78, 2013 | 49 | 2013 |