Fatemeh Shakeri
Fatemeh Shakeri
Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, IRAN
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Solution of delay differential equations via a homotopy perturbation method
F Shakeri, M Dehghan
Mathematical and computer Modelling 48 (3-4), 486-498, 2008
Approximate solution of a differential equation arising in astrophysics using the variational iteration method
M Dehghan, F Shakeri
New Astronomy 13 (1), 53-59, 2008
Solution of an integro-differential equation arising in oscillating magnetic fields using He's homotopy perturbation method
M Dehghan, F Shakeri
Progress in Electromagnetics Research 78, 361-376, 2008
The use of the decomposition procedure of Adomian for solving a delay differential equation arising in electrodynamics
M Dehghan, F Shakeri
Physica Scripta 78 (6), 065004, 2008
Numerical solution of the Klein–Gordon equation via He’s variational iteration method
F Shakeri, M Dehghan
Nonlinear Dynamics 51, 89-97, 2008
Inverse problem of diffusion equation by He's homotopy perturbation method
F Shakeri, M Dehghan
Physica Scripta 75 (4), 551, 2007
Use of He's homotopy perturbation method for solving a partial differential equation arising in modeling of flow in porous media
M Dehghan, F Shakeri
Journal of Porous Media 11 (8), 2008
Application of He's variational iteration method for solving the Cauchy reaction–diffusion problem
M Dehghan, F Shakeri
Journal of computational and Applied Mathematics 214 (2), 435-446, 2008
Solution of a partial differential equation subject to temperature overspecification by He's homotopy perturbation method
M Dehghan, F Shakeri
Physica Scripta 75 (6), 778, 2007
Numerical solution of a biological population model using He’s variational iteration method
F Shakeri, M Dehghan
Computers & Mathematics with applications 54 (7-8), 1197-1209, 2007
The method of lines for solution of the one-dimensional wave equation subject to an integral conservation condition
F Shakeri, M Dehghan
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 56 (9), 2175-2188, 2008
The numerical solution of the second Painlevé equation
M Dehghan, F Shakeri
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations: An International …, 2009
Solution of a model describing biological species living together using the variational iteration method
F Shakeri, M Dehghan
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 48 (5-6), 685-699, 2008
A finite volume spectral element method for solving magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations
F Shakeri, M Dehghan
Applied Numerical Mathematics 61 (1), 1-23, 2011
Solution of parabolic integro‐differential equations arising in heat conduction in materials with memory via He's variational iteration technique
M Dehghan, F Shakeri
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 26 (6 …, 2010
Method of lines solutions of the parabolic inverse problem with an overspecification at a point
M Dehghan, F Shakeri
Numerical Algorithms 50, 417-437, 2009
The finite volume spectral element method to solve Turing models in the biological pattern formation
F Shakeri, M Dehghan
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 62 (12), 4322-4336, 2011
Application of the decomposition method of Adomian for solving the pantograph equation of order m
F Shakeri, M Dehghan
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 65 (5), 453-460, 2010
A high order finite volume element method for solving elliptic partial integro-differential equations
F Shakeri, M Dehghan
Applied Numerical Mathematics 65, 105-118, 2013
A semi‐numerical technique for solving the multi‐point boundary value problems and engineering applications
M Dehghan, F Shakeri
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 21 (7), 794-809, 2011
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