Yuandong Xu
Yuandong Xu
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Response analysis of an accelerating unbalanced rotating system with both random and interval variables
C Fu, Y Xu, Y Yang, K Lu, F Gu, A Ball
Journal of Sound and Vibration 466, 115047, 2020
Autocorrelated Envelopes for early fault detection of rolling bearings
Y Xu, D Zhen, JX Gu, K Rabeyee, F Chu, F Gu, AD Ball
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 146, 106990, 2021
Orthogonal On-Rotor Sensing Vibrations for Condition Monitoring of Rotating Machines
Y Xu, X Tang, G Feng, D Wang, C Ashworth, F Gu, AD Ball
Journal of Dynamics, Monitoring and Diagnostics 1 (1), 29-36, 2021
Intelligent fault diagnosis of helical gearboxes with compressive sensing based non-contact measurements
X Tang, Y Xu, X Sun, Y Liu, Y Jia, F Gu, AD Ball
ISA transactions 133, 559-574, 2023
Semi-supervised fault diagnosis of machinery using LPS-DGAT under speed fluctuation and extremely low labeled rates
S Yan, H Shao, Y Xiao, J Zhou, Y Xu, J Wan
Advanced Engineering Informatics 53, 101648, 2022
A novel fault detection method for rolling bearings based on non-stationary vibration signature analysis
D Zhen, J Guo, Y Xu, H Zhang, F Gu
Sensors 19 (18), 3994, 2019
Early rolling bearing fault diagnosis in induction motors based on on-rotor sensing vibrations
Z Wang, D Shi, Y Xu, D Zhen, F Gu, AD Ball
Measurement 222, 113614, 2023
Dynamics analysis of a hollow-shaft rotor system with an open crack under model uncertainties
C Fu, Y Xu, Y Yang, K Lu, F Gu, A Ball
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 83, 105102, 2020
Fault identification of broken rotor bars in induction motors using an improved cyclic modulation spectral analysis
Z Wang, J Yang, H Li, D Zhen, Y Xu, F Gu
Energies 12 (17), 3279, 2019
Vibration based centrifugal pump fault diagnosis based on modulation signal bispectrum analysis
O Hamomd, S Alabied, Y Xu, A Daraz, F Gu, A Ball
2017 23rd International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC), 1-5, 2017
Characterisation of acoustic emissions for the frictional effect in engines using wavelets based multi-resolution analysis
N Wei, F Gu, T Wang, G Li, Y Xu, L Yang, AD Ball
2015 21st International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC), 1-6, 2015
A Modulation Signal Bispectrum Enhanced Squared Envelope for the detection and diagnosis of compound epicyclic gear faults
Y Xu, G Feng, X Tang, S Yang, F Gu, AD Ball
Structural Health Monitoring 22 (1), 562-580, 2023
A phase linearisation–based modulation signal bispectrum for analysing cyclostationary bearing signals
Y Xu, C Fu, N Hu, B Huang, F Gu, AD Ball
Structural Health Monitoring 20 (3), 1231-1246, 2021
A squeezed modulation signal bispectrum method for motor current signals based gear fault diagnosis
Y Xu, X Tang, X Sun, F Gu, AD Ball
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 1-8, 2022
A multivariate statistics-based approach for detecting diesel engine faults with weak signatures
J Wang, C Zhang, X Ma, Z Wang, Y Xu, R Cattley
Energies 13 (4), 873, 2020
Monitoring gearbox using a wireless temperature node powered by thermal energy harvesting module
B Elforjani, Y Xu, K Brethee, Z Wu, F Gu, A Ball
2017 23rd International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC), 1-6, 2017
Dynamic analysis of geared transmission system for wind turbines with mixed aleatory and epistemic uncertainties
C Fu, K Lu, YD Xu, Y Yang, FS Gu, Y Chen
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 43 (2), 275-294, 2022
Model based IAS analysis for fault detection and diagnosis of IC engine powertrains
Y Xu, B Huang, Y Yun, R Cattley, F Gu, AD Ball
Energies 13 (3), 565, 2020
Vibration analysis based condition monitoring for industrial robots
H Han, Y Lin, L Gu, Y Xu, F Gu
International Conference on Maintenance Engineering, 186-195, 2020
Performance monitoring and fault diagnosis of vacuum pumps based on airborne sounds
R Appadoo, Y Xu, F Gu, AD Ball
2018 24th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC), 1-6, 2018
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