Jean Botev
QUALINET white paper on definitions of immersive media experience (IMEx)
A Perkis, C Timmerer, S Baraković, JB Husić, S Bech, S Bosse, J Botev, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.07032, 2020
The HyperVerse: concepts for a federated and Torrent-based'3D Web'
J Botev, A Hohfeld, H Schloss, I Scholtes, P Sturm, M Esch
International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication 2 (4), 331-350, 2008
Self-improving system integration: Mastering continuous change
K Bellman, J Botev, A Diaconescu, L Esterle, C Gruhl, C Landauer, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 117, 29-46, 2021
Hybrid societies: challenges and perspectives in the design of collective behavior in self-organizing systems
H Hamann, Y Khaluf, J Botev, M Divband Soorati, E Ferrante, O Kosak, ...
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 3, 14, 2016
Self-improving system integration-status and challenges after five years of SISSY
K Bellman, J Botev, A Diaconescu, L Esterle, C Gruhl, C Landauer, ...
2018 IEEE 3rd International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of …, 2018
Socially-sensitive systems design: Exploring social potential
K Bellman, J Botev, H Hildmann, PR Lewis, S Marsh, J Pitt, I Scholtes, ...
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 36 (3), 72-80, 2017
Topgen-internet router-level topology generation based on technology constraints
I Scholtes, J Botev, M Esch, A Höhfeld, H Schloss, B Zech
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Simulation tools and …, 2008
Intelligent autonomous agents and trust in virtual reality
N Sun, J Botev
Computers in Human Behavior Reports 4, 100146, 2021
Immersive robotic telepresence for remote educational scenarios
J Botev, FJ Rodríguez Lera
Sustainability 13 (9), 4717, 2021
Chariot-towards a continuous high-level adaptive runtime integration testbed
CM Barnes, K Bellman, J Botev, A Diaconescu, L Esterle, C Gruhl, ...
2019 IEEE 4th International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of …, 2019
Awareness-driven phase transitions in very large scale distributed systems
I Scholtes, J Botev, A Höhfeld, H Schloss, M Esch
2008 Second IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self …, 2008
Epidemic self-synchronization in complex networks of kuramoto oscillators
I Scholtes, J Botev, M Esch, P Sturm
Advances in Complex Systems 13 (01), 33-58, 2010
ChronoPilot—Modulating time perception
J Botev, K Drewing, H Hamann, Y Khaluf, P Simoens, A Vatakis
2021 IEEE international conference on artificial intelligence and virtual …, 2021
Gp3-a distributed grid-based spatial index infrastructure for massive multiuser virtual environments
M Esch, J Botev, H Schloss, I Scholtes
2008 14th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems …, 2008
Lifelike computing systems
A Stein, S Tomforde, J Botev, PR Lewis
19th International Conference on Artificial Life (ALIFE), 2021
Elastic consistency in decentralized distributed virtual environments
H Schloss, J Botev, M Esch, A Höhfeld, I Scholtes, P Sturm
2008 International Conference on Automated Solutions for Cross Media Content …, 2008
P2p-based avatar interaction in massive multiuser virtual environments
M Esch, J Botev, H Schloss, I Scholtes
2009 International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive …, 2009
An extensible and lightweight modular ontology for programming education
C Grévisse, J Botev, S Rothkugel
Advances in Computing: 12th Colombian Conference, CCC 2017, Cali, Colombia …, 2017
The snippet platform architecture-dynamic and interactive compound documents
L Kirsch, J Botev, S Rothkugel
International Journal of Future Computer and Communication 3 (3), 161, 2014
Snippets and Component-Based Authoring Tools for Reusing and Connecting Documents.
L Kirsch, J Botev, S Rothkugel
J. Digit. Inf. Manag. 10 (6), 399-409, 2012
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