Yu Lu
The evolution of the galaxy stellar mass function at z= 4–8: a steepening low-mass-end slope with increasing redshift
M Song, SL Finkelstein, MLN Ashby, A Grazian, Y Lu, C Papovich, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 825 (1), 5, 2016
The relation between Star Formation Rate and Stellar Mass for Galaxies at 3.5⩽ z⩽ 6.5 in CANDELS
B Salmon, C Papovich, SL Finkelstein, V Tilvi, K Finlator, P Behroozi, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 799 (2), 183, 2015
The mass evolution of the first galaxies: stellar mass functions and star formation rates at 4 < z < 7 in the CANDELS GOODS-South field
K Duncan, CJ Conselice, A Mortlock, WG Hartley, Y Guo, HC Ferguson, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 444 (3), 2960-2984, 2014
The galaxy stellar mass function at 3.5≤ z≤ 7.5 in the CANDELS/UDS, GOODS-South, and HUDF fields
A Grazian, A Fontana, P Santini, JS Dunlop, HC Ferguson, M Castellano, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 575, A96, 2015
Clumpy galaxies in CANDELS. I. The definition of UV clumps and the fraction of clumpy galaxies at 0.5< z< 3
Y Guo, HC Ferguson, EF Bell, DC Koo, CJ Conselice, M Giavalisco, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 800 (1), 39, 2015
The SAGA Survey. I. Satellite galaxy populations around eight Milky Way analogs
M Geha, RH Wechsler, YY Mao, EJ Tollerud, B Weiner, R Bernstein, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 847 (1), 4, 2017
A critical assessment of stellar mass measurement methods
B Mobasher, T Dahlen, HC Ferguson, V Acquaviva, G Barro, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 808 (1), 101, 2015
ZFOURGE/CANDELS: On the Evolution of M* Galaxy Progenitors from z= 3 to 0.5
C Papovich, I Labbe, R Quadri, V Tilvi, P Behroozi, EF Bell, K Glazebrook, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 803 (1), 26, 2015
Mergers and mass accretion for infalling halos both end well outside cluster virial radii
PS Behroozi, RH Wechsler, Y Lu, O Hahn, MT Busha, A Klypin, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 787 (2), 156, 2014
Clumpy Galaxies in CANDELS. II. Physical Properties of UV-bright Clumps at 0.5≤ z< 3
Y Guo, M Rafelski, EF Bell, CJ Conselice, A Dekel, SM Faber, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 853 (2), 108, 2018
On the origin of cold dark matter halo density profiles
Y Lu, HJ Mo, N Katz, MD Weinberg
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 368 (4), 1931-1940, 2006
Semi-analytic models for the CANDELS survey: comparison of predictions for intrinsic galaxy properties
Y Lu, RH Wechsler, RS Somerville, D Croton, L Porter, J Primack, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 795 (2), 123, 2014
A Bayesian approach to the semi-analytic model of galaxy formation: methodology
Y Lu, HJ Mo, MD Weinberg, N Katz
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 416 (3), 1949-1964, 2011
Infrared color selection of massive galaxies at z> 3
T Wang, D Elbaz, C Schreiber, M Pannella, X Shu, SP Willner, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 816 (2), 84, 2016
Bayesian inference of galaxy formation from the K-band luminosity function of galaxies: tensions between theory and observation
Y Lu, HJ Mo, N Katz, MD Weinberg
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 421 (2), 1779-1796, 2012
The nature of massive transition galaxies in CANDELS, GAMA and cosmological simulations
V Pandya, R Brennan, RS Somerville, E Choi, G Barro, S Wuyts, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 472 (2), 2054-2084, 2017
An empirical model for the star formation history in dark matter haloes
Z Lu, HJ Mo, Y Lu, N Katz, MD Weinberg, FC van den Bosch, X Yang
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 439 (2), 1294-1312, 2014
The Intrinsic Characteristics of Galaxies on the SFR–M∗ Plane at 1.2< z< 4: I. The Correlation between Stellar Age, Central Density, and Position Relative to the Main Sequence
B Lee, M Giavalisco, K Whitaker, CC Williams, HC Ferguson, V Acquaviva, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 853 (2), 131, 2018
Satellite quenching and galactic conformity at 0.3< z< 2.5
L Kawinwanichakij, RF Quadri, C Papovich, GG Kacprzak, I Labbé, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 817 (1), 9, 2016
Human–machine collaboration for improving semiconductor process development
KJ Kanarik, WT Osowiecki, YJ Lu, D Talukder, N Roschewsky, SN Park, ...
Nature 616 (7958), 707-711, 2023
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