Enming Li
Enming Li
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Slope stability prediction for circular mode failure using gradient boosting machine approach based on an updated database of case histories
J Zhou, E Li, S Yang, M Wang, X Shi, S Yao, HS Mitri
Safety Science 118, 505-518, 2019
Random forests and cubist algorithms for predicting shear strengths of rockfill materials
J Zhou, E Li, H Wei, C Li, Q Qiao, DJ Armaghani
Applied Sciences 9 (8), 1621, 2019
Developing a hybrid model of salp swarm algorithm-based support vector machine to predict the strength of fiber-reinforced cemented paste backfill
E Li, J Zhou, X Shi, D Jahed Armaghani, Z Yu, X Chen, P Huang
Engineering with Computers 37 (4), 3519-3540, 2021
Feasibility of stochastic gradient boosting approach for evaluating seismic liquefaction potential based on SPT and CPT case histories
J Zhou, E Li, M Wang, X Chen, X Shi, L Jiang
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 33 (3), 04019024, 2019
Compressive behavior and microstructural properties of tailings polypropylene fibre-reinforced cemented paste backfill
X Chen, X Shi, J Zhou, Q Chen, E Li, X Du
Construction and Building Materials 190, 211-221, 2018
Prediction of blasting mean fragment size using support vector regression combined with five optimization algorithms
E Li, F Yang, M Ren, X Zhang, J Zhou, M Khandelwal
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (6), 1380-1397, 2021
Prediction of rockburst risk in underground projects developing a neuro-bee intelligent system
J Zhou, M Koopialipoor, E Li, DJ Armaghani
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 79, 4265-4279, 2020
High strain rate compressive strength behavior of cemented paste backfill using split Hopkinson pressure bar
X Chen, X Shi, J Zhou, E Li, P Qiu, Y Gou
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 31 (3), 387-399, 2021
Improving the efficiency of microseismic source locating using a heuristic algorithm-based virtual field optimization method
J Zhou, X Shen, Y Qiu, E Li, D Rao, X Shi
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 7 (3), 1-18, 2021
Development of hybrid models using metaheuristic optimization techniques to predict the carbonation depth of fly ash concrete
R Biswas, E Li, N Zhang, S Kumar, B Rai, J Zhou
Construction and Building Materials 346, 128483, 2022
LGBM-based modeling scenarios to compressive strength of recycled aggregate concrete with SHAP analysis
B Xi, E Li, Y Fissha, J Zhou, P Segarra
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 31 (23), 5999-6014, 2024
Rock mass structural recognition from drill monitoring technology in underground mining using discontinuity index and machine learning techniques
A Fernández, JA Sanchidrián, P Segarra, S Gómez, E Li, R Navarro
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 33 (5), 555-571, 2023
Unraveling the Global Warming Mitigation Potential from Recycling Subway‐Related Excavated Soil and Rock in China Via Life Cycle Assessment
N Zhang, H Zhang, G Schiller, H Feng, X Gao, E Li, X Li
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 17 (3), 639-650, 2021
Artificial Neural Network Modeling as an Approach to Limestone Blast Production Rate Prediction: a Comparison of PI-BANN and MVR Models
BO Taiwo, G Angesom, Y Fissha, Y Kide, E Li, K Haile, OA Oni
Journal of Mining and Environment 14 (2), 375-388, 2023
Application of percentile color intensities of borehole images for automatic fluorite grade assessment
E Li, P Segarra, JA Sanchidrián, S Gómez, A Fernández, R Navarro, ...
Ore Geology Reviews, 105790, 2023
Compressive strength prediction and optimization design of sustainable concrete based on squirrel search algorithm-extreme gradient boosting technique
E Li, N Zhang, B Xi, J Zhou, X Gao
Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 17 (9), 1310-1325, 2024
Circular use of fine-grained tailings to underground mine wind walls
E Li, B Xi, N Zhang, X Shi, J Zhou, P Segarra, H Wang
Circular Economy, 100053, 2023
Indirect Evaluation of the Influence of Rock Boulders in Blasting to the Geohazard: Unearthing Geologic Insights Fused with Tree Seed based LSTM Algorithm
BO Taiwo, S Hosseini, Y Fissha, K Kilic, OA Olusola, NS Chandrahas, E Li, ...
Geohazard Mechanics, 2024
Classification of seismic-liquefaction potential using Friedman’s stochastic gradient boosting based on the cone penetration test data
J Zhou, X Chen, M Wang, E Li, H Chen, X Shi
Civil Infrastructures Confronting Severe Weathers and Climate Changes …, 2018
Fragmentation by blasting size prediction using SVR-GOA and SVR-KHA techniques
E Li, J Zhou, R Biswas, ZEME Ahmed
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Mining, Geotechnical and …, 2024
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