David Lund
David Lund
PSC Europe Forum
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Dynamic consent: a patient interface for twenty-first century research networks
J Kaye, EA Whitley, D Lund, M Morrison, H Teare, K Melham
European journal of human genetics 23 (2), 141-146, 2015
Software defined radio: enabling technologies
WHW Tuttlebee
John Wiley & Sons, 2002
Software defined radio: Architectures, systems and functions
M Dillinger, K Madani, N Alonistioti
John Wiley & Sons, 2005
From patients to partners: participant-centric initiatives in biomedical research
J Kaye, L Curren, N Anderson, K Edwards, SM Fullerton, N Kanellopoulou, ...
Nature Reviews Genetics 13 (5), 371-376, 2012
Communication apparatus and method
D Lund
US Patent 8,134,458, 2012
Patient perspectives on sharing anonymized personal health data using a digital system for dynamic consent and research feedback: a qualitative study
K Spencer, C Sanders, EA Whitley, D Lund, J Kaye, WG Dixon
Journal of medical Internet research 18 (4), e5011, 2016
Dynamic consent: a possible solution to improve patient confidence and trust in how electronic patient records are used in medical research
H Williams, K Spencer, C Sanders, D Lund, EA Whitley, J Kaye, WG Dixon
JMIR medical informatics 3 (1), e3525, 2015
A new development system for reconfigurable digital signal processing
D Lund, B Honary, M Darnell
First International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies, 306-310, 2000
IP-centric high rate narrowband PLC for smart grid applications
B Adebisi, A Treytl, A Haidine, A Portnoy, RU Shan, D Lund, H Pille, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 49 (12), 46-54, 2011
Resilient communication for smart grid ubiquitous sensor network: State of the art and prospects for next generation
Y Tsado, D Lund, KAA Gamage
Computer Communications 71, 34-49, 2015
Dynamic consent: a solution to a perennial problem?
J Kaye, EA Whitley, N Kanellopoulou, S Creese, KJ Hughes, D Lund
The BMJ 343 (nov01), d6900-d6900, 2011
Improving the reliability of optimised link state routing in a smart grid neighbour area network based wireless mesh network using multiple metrics
Y Tsado, KAA Gamage, B Adebisi, D Lund, KM Rabie, A Ikpehai
Energies 10 (3), 287, 2017
A dynamic model of patient consent to sharing of medical record data
WG Dixon, K Spencer, H Williams, C Sanders, D Lund, EA Whitley, J Kaye
bmj 348, 2014
Resilient wireless communication networking for Smart grid BAN
Y Tsado, D Lund, K Gamage
2014 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 846-851, 2014
Performance analysis of variable Smart Grid traffic over ad hoc Wireless Mesh Networks
Y Tsado, KAA Gamage, D Lund, B Adebisi
2016 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST), 81-86, 2016
Configurable radio with advanced software technology (CAST)–initial concepts
K Madani, B Bosch, B Honary, G Justo, J Kova'cs, M Lohi, D Lund, P Patel, ...
IST Mobile Communications Summit, 139-144, 2000
Connected vehicles in smart cities: Interworking from inside vehicles to outside
A Pressas, Z Sheng, P Fussey, D Lund
2016 13th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication …, 2016
A new family of optimal codes correcting term rank errors
D Lund, EM Gabidulin, B Honary
2000 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (Cat. No. 00CH37060 …, 2000
Increasing transparency and privacy for online social network users–USEMP value model, scoring framework and legal
A Popescu, M Hildebrandt, J Breuer, L Claeys, S Papadopoulos, G Petkos, ...
Privacy Technologies and Policy: Third Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2015 …, 2016
Characterising software control of the physical reconfigurable radio subsystem
D Lund, B Honary, K Madani
Proceedings of IST2001, Barcelona, 357-362, 2001
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