Artikkelit, joihin on yleisen käytön mandaatti - Roberto MontemanniLisätietoja
Saatavilla jossain: 58
PCSF: An R-package for network-based interpretation of high-throughput data
M Akhmedov, A Kedaigle, RE Chong, R Montemanni, F Bertoni, ...
PLoS computational biology 13 (7), e1005694, 2017
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
A tabu search algorithm for the probabilistic orienteering problem
X Chou, LM Gambardella, R Montemanni
Computers & Operations Research 126, 105107, 2021
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
A heuristic manipulation technique for the sequential ordering problem
R Montemanni, DH Smith, LM Gambardella
Computers & Operations Research 35 (12), 3931-3944, 2008
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
An ant colony system for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with uncertain travel costs
NE Toklu, R Montemanni, LM Gambardella
2013 IEEE Symposium on Swarm Intelligence (SIS), 32-39, 2013
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
Heuristics for the probabilistic traveling salesman problem with deadlines based on quasi-parallel monte carlo sampling
D Weyland, R Montemanni, LM Gambardella
Computers & operations research 40 (7), 1661-1670, 2013
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
Frequency assignment, multiple interference and binary constraints
JS Graham, R Montemanni, JNJ Moon, DH Smith
Wireless Networks 14, 449-464, 2008
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
Hardness results for the probabilistic traveling salesman problem with deadlines
D Weyland, R Montemanni, LM Gambardella
International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, 392-403, 2012
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
Machine learning approaches for the traveling salesman problem: A survey
U Junior Mele, L Maria Gambardella, R Montemanni
Proceedings of the 2021 8th International Conference on Industrial …, 2021
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
A multi-modal and multi-objective journey planner for integrating carpooling and public transport
J Jamal, R Montemanni, D Huber, M Derboni, AE Rizzoli
Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering 5 (2), 2017
Mandaatit: European Commission
Hybrid sampling-based evaluators for the orienteering problem with stochastic travel and service times
V Papapanagiotou, R Montemanni, L Gambardella
Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering Vol 3 (2), 2015
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
A metaheuristic framework for stochastic combinatorial optimization problems based on GPGPU with a case study on the probabilistic traveling salesman problem with deadlines
D Weyland, R Montemanni, LM Gambardella
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 73 (1), 74-85, 2013
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
A matheuristic algorithm for a large-scale energy management problem
D Anghinolfi, LM Gambardella, R Montemanni, C Nattero, M Paolucci, ...
International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computing, 173-181, 2011
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
Solving the sequential ordering problem using branch and bound
J Jamal, G Shobaki, V Papapanagiotou, LM Gambardella, R Montemanni
2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 1-9, 2017
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
A robust multiple ant colony system for the capacitated vehicle routing problem
NE Toklu, R Montemanni, LM Gambardella
2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1871-1876, 2013
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
A new constructive heuristic driven by machine learning for the traveling salesman problem
UJ Mele, LM Gambardella, R Montemanni
Algorithms 14 (9), 267, 2021
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
A divide and conquer matheuristic algorithm for the Prize-collecting Steiner Tree Problem
M Akhmedov, I Kwee, R Montemanni
Computers & Operations Research 70, 18-25, 2016
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
Pickup and delivery with lockers
M Dell’Amico, R Montemanni, S Novellani
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 148, 104022, 2023
Mandaatit: Government of Italy
A fast prize-collecting steiner forest algorithm for functional analyses in biological networks
M Akhmedov, A LeNail, F Bertoni, I Kwee, E Fraenkel, R Montemanni
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming: 14th …, 2017
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Monte Carlo sampling for the probabilistic orienteering problem
X Chou, LM Gambardella, R Montemanni
New Trends in Emerging Complex Real Life Problems: ODS, Taormina, Italy …, 2018
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
A comparison of two exact algorithms for the sequential ordering problem
V Papapanagiotou, J Jamal, R Montemanni, G Shobaki, LM Gambardella
2015 IEEE conference on systems, process and control (ICSPC), 73-78, 2015
Mandaatit: Swiss National Science Foundation
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