دنبال کردن
Claudio Destri
Claudio Destri
Universita` Milano Bicocca
ایمیل تأیید شده در mib.infn.it
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Solution of the multichannel Kondo problem
N Andrei, C Destri
Physical review letters 52 (5), 364, 1984
New thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations without strings
C Destri, HJ De Vega
Physical review letters 69 (16), 2313, 1992
Unified approach to thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz and finite size corrections for lattice models and field theories
C Destri, HJ de Vega
Nuclear Physics B 438 (3), 413-454, 1995
Light-cone lattice approach to fermionic theories in 2D: The massive Thirring model
C Destri, HJ De Vega
Nuclear Physics B 290, 363-391, 1987
Non-linear integral equation and excited-states scaling functions in the sine-Gordon model
C Destri, HJ De Vega
Nuclear Physics B 504 (3), 621-664, 1997
Analysis of the Bethe-ansatz equations of the chiral-invariant Gross-Neveu model
C Destri, JH Lowenstein
Nuclear Physics B 205 (3), 369-385, 1982
New exact results in affine Toda field theories: Free energy and wave-function renormalizations
C Destri, HJ De Vega
Nuclear Physics B 358 (1), 251-294, 1991
Light-cone lattices and the exact solution of chiral fermion and sigma models
C Destri, HJ De Vega
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 22 (9), 1329, 1989
Fermionic warm dark matter produces galaxy cores in the observed scales because of quantum mechanics
C Destri, HJ De Vega, NG Sanchez
New Astronomy 22, 39-50, 2013
Bethe ansatz and quantum groups: the light-cone lattice approach (I). Six vertex and SOS models
C Destri, HJ De Vega
Nuclear Physics B 374 (3), 692-719, 1992
MCMC analysis of WMAP3 and SDSS data points to broken symmetry inflaton potentials and provides a lower bound on the tensor to scalar ratio
C Destri, HJ de Vega, NG Sanchez
arXiv preprint astro-ph/0703417, 2007
The exact S-matrix of the affine E8 Toda field theory
C Destri, HJ de Vega
Physics Letters B 233 (3-4), 336-342, 1989
Asymptotic dynamics in scalar field theory: Anomalous relaxation
D Boyanovsky, C Destri, HJ De Vega, R Holman, J Salgado
Physical Review D 57 (12), 7388, 1998
Approach to thermalization in the classical φ 4 theory in 1+ 1 dimensions: Energy cascades and universal scaling
D Boyanovsky, C Destri, HJ De Vega
Physical Review D 69 (4), 045003, 2004
Dynamical symmetry breaking and fractionization in a new integrable model
N Andrei, C Destri
Nuclear Physics B 231 (3), 445-480, 1984
CMB quadrupole depression produced by early fast-roll inflation: Monte Carlo Markov chains analysis of WMAP and SDSS data
C Destri, HJ de Vega, NG Sánchez
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 78 (2), 023013, 2008
Preinflationary and inflationary fast-roll eras and their signatures in the low CMB multipoles
C Destri, HJ de Vega, NG Sánchez
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 81 (6), 063520, 2010
Quantum WDM fermions and gravitation determine the observed galaxy structures
C Destri, HJ de Vega, NG Sanchez
Astroparticle Physics 46, 14-22, 2013
Warm dark matter primordial spectra and the onset of structure formation at redshift
C Destri, HJ De Vega, NG Sanchez
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 88 (8), 083512, 2013
The Effective Theory of Inflation in the Standard Model of the Universe and the CMB+ LSS data analysis
D Boyanovsky, C Destri, HJ de Vega, NG Sánchez
International Journal of Modern Physics A 24 (20n21), 3669-3864, 2009
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مقاله‌ها 1–20