دنبال کردن
Igor Filatotchev
Igor Filatotchev
King's Business School, King's College London
ایمیل تأیید شده در kcl.ac.uk
نقل شده توسط
نقل شده توسط
Strategy research in emerging economies: Challenging the conventional wisdom
M Wright, I Filatotchev, RE Hoskisson, MW Peng
Journal of management studies 42 (1), 1-33, 2005
An organizational approach to comparative corporate governance: Costs, contingencies, and complementarities
RV Aguilera, I Filatotchev, H Gospel, G Jackson
Organization science 19 (3), 475-492, 2008
Emerging multinationals from mid‐range economies: The influence of institutions and factor markets
RE Hoskisson, M Wright, I Filatotchev, MW Peng
Journal of management studies 50 (7), 1295-1321, 2013
The export orientation and export performance of high-technology SMEs in emerging markets: The effects of knowledge transfer by returnee entrepreneurs
I Filatotchev, X Liu, T Buck, M Wright
Journal of international business studies 40 (6), 1005-1021, 2009
Board composition, share ownership, and ‘underpricing’of UK IPO firms
I Filatotchev, K Bishop
Strategic management journal 23 (10), 941-955, 2002
Governance, ownership structure, and performance of IPO firms: The impact of different types of private equity investors and institutional environments
GD Bruton, I Filatotchev, S Chahine, M Wright
Strategic management journal 31 (5), 491-509, 2010
International experience and FDI location choices of Chinese firms: The moderating effects of home country government support and host country institutions
J Lu, X Liu, M Wright, I Filatotchev
Journal of International Business Studies 45, 428-449, 2014
How do threshold firms sustain corporate entrepreneurship? The role of boards and absorptive capacity
SA Zahra, I Filatotchev, M Wright
Journal of business venturing 24 (3), 248-260, 2009
FDI by firms from newly industrialised economies in emerging markets: corporate governance, entry mode and location
I Filatotchev, R Strange, J Piesse, YC Lien
Journal of International Business Studies 38, 556-572, 2007
Governance of the entrepreneurial threshold firm: A knowledge‐based perspective
SA Zahra, I Filatotchev
Journal of Management studies 41 (5), 885-897, 2004
Corporate governance and investors' perceptions of foreign IPO value: An institutional perspective
RG Bell, I Filatotchev, RV Aguilera
Academy of Management journal 57 (1), 301-320, 2014
Corporate governance and performance in publicly listed, family-controlled firms: Evidence from Taiwan
I Filatotchev, YC Lien, J Piesse
Asia Pacific journal of management 22, 257-283, 2005
Returnee entrepreneurs, knowledge spillovers and innovation in high-tech firms in emerging economies
X Liu, J Lu, I Filatotchev, T Buck, M Wright
Journal of International Business Studies 41, 1183-1197, 2010
Corporate governance and national institutions: A review and emerging research agenda
I Filatotchev, G Jackson, C Nakajima
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 30, 965-986, 2013
The firm's strategic dynamics and corporate governance life‐cycle
I Filatotchev, S Toms, M Wright
International Journal of Managerial Finance 2 (4), 256-279, 2006
The liability of foreignness in capital markets: Sources and remedies
RG Bell, I Filatotchev, AA Rasheed
Journal of International Business Studies 43, 107-122, 2012
R&D, internationalization and growth of newly listed firms: European evidence
I Filatotchev, J Piesse
Journal of international business studies 40, 1260-1276, 2009
Returnee entrepreneurs, science park location choice and performance: An analysis of high–technology SMEs in China
M Wright, X Liu, T Buck, I Filatotchev
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 32 (1), 131-155, 2008
Knowledge spillovers through human mobility across national borders: Evidence from Zhongguancun Science Park in China
I Filatotchev, X Liu, J Lu, M Wright
Research Policy 40 (3), 453-462, 2011
Corporate governance, responsible managerial behavior, and corporate social responsibility: organizational efficiency versus organizational legitimacy?
I Filatotchev, C Nakajima
Academy of Management Perspectives 28 (3), 289-306, 2014
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مقاله‌ها 1–20