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Long-term variability and trends in meteorological droughts in Western Europe (1851-2018) S Vicente Serrano, F Domínguez-Castro, C Murphy, J Hannaford, F Reig, ... International journal of climatology 41 (S1), E690-E717, 2020 | 106 | 2020 |
Mortality attributable to extreme temperatures in Spain: A comparative analysis by city R Carmona, J Díaz, IJ Mirón, C Ortiz, MY Luna, C Linares Environment International 91, 22-28, 2016 | 88 | 2016 |
Time trend in the impact of heat waves on daily mortality in Spain for a period of over thirty years (1983–2013) J Díaz, R Carmona, IJ Mirón, MY Luna, C Linares Environment international 116, 10-17, 2018 | 86 | 2018 |
Analysis of the atmospheric circulation pattern effects over SPEI drought index in Spain A Manzano, MA Clemente, A Morata, MY Luna, S Beguería, ... Atmospheric research 230, 104630, 2019 | 84 | 2019 |
Mortality attributable to high temperatures over the 2021–2050 and 2051–2100 time horizons in Spain: Adaptation and economic estimate J Díaz, M Sáez, R Carmona, IJ Mirón, MA Barceló, MY Luna, C Linares Environmental research 172, 475-485, 2019 | 80 | 2019 |
Long-term precipitation in Southwestern Europe reveals no clear trend attributable to anthropogenic forcing D Peña-Angulo, SM Vicente-Serrano, F Domínguez-Castro, C Murphy, ... Environmental Research Letters 15 (9), 094070, 2020 | 64 | 2020 |
North Atlantic teleconnection patterns of low‐frequency variability and their links with springtime precipitation in the western Mediterranean ML Martín, MY Luna, A Morata, F Valero International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2004 | 58 | 2004 |
Analysis of the impact of heat waves on daily mortality in urban and rural areas in Madrid JA López-Bueno, MA Navas-Martín, C Linares, IJ Mirón, MY Luna, ... Environmental research 195, 110892, 2021 | 57 | 2021 |
High spatial resolution climatology of drought events for Spain: 1961-2014 F Domínguez-Castro, SM Vicente Serrano, M Tomás-Burguera, ... John Wiley & Sons, 2019 | 49 | 2019 |
Self-similarity patterns of precipitation in the Iberian Peninsula A Morata, ML Martin, MY Luna, F Valero Theoretical and Applied Climatology 85, 41-59, 2006 | 49 | 2006 |
The evolution of minimum mortality temperatures as an indicator of heat adaptation: the cases of Madrid and Seville (Spain) F Follos, C Linares, JM Vellón, JA Lopez-Bueno, MY Luna, ... Science of The Total Environment 747, 141259, 2020 | 46 | 2020 |
Storm Gloria: Sea State Evolution Based on in situ Measurements and Modeled Data and Its Impact on Extreme Values M De Alfonso, J Lin-Ye, JM García-Valdecasas, S Pérez-Rubio, MY Luna, ... Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 646873, 2021 | 45 | 2021 |
Spatial variability in threshold temperatures of heat wave mortality: impact assessment on prevention plans R Carmona, C Linares, C Ortiz, IJ Mirón, MY Luna, J Díaz International Journal of Environmental Health Research 27 (6), 463-475, 2017 | 45 | 2017 |
Coupled modes of large-scale climatic variables and regional precipitation in the Western Mediterranean in autumn F Valero, MY Luna, ML Martín, A Morata, F González-Rouco Climate Dynamics 22, 307-323, 2004 | 45 | 2004 |
Characterization of the autumn Iberian precipitation from long‐term datasets: comparison between observed and hindcasted data F Valero, ML Martín, MG Sotillo, A Morata, MY Luna International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2009 | 39 | 2009 |
Evolution of the minimum mortality temperature (1983–2018): Is Spain adapting to heat? F Follos, C Linares, JA López-Bueno, MA Navas, D Culqui, JM Vellón, ... Science of the Total Environment 784, 147233, 2021 | 38 | 2021 |
Impact of urban heat islands on morbidity and mortality in heat waves: Observational time series analysis of Spain's five cities T Cuerdo-Vilches, J Díaz, JA López-Bueno, MY Luna, MA Navas, IJ Mirón, ... Science of the Total Environment 890, 164412, 2023 | 34 | 2023 |
Validation of a homogeneous 41-year (1961–2001) winter precipitation hindcasted dataset over the Iberian Peninsula: assessment of the regional improvement of global reanalysis MG Sotillo, ML Martín, F Valero, MY Luna Climate dynamics 27, 627-645, 2006 | 34 | 2006 |
Evolution of the threshold temperature definition of a heat wave vs. evolution of the minimum mortality temperature: a case study in Spain during the 1983–2018 period JA Lopez-Bueno, J Diaz, F Follos, JM Vellón, MA Navas, D Culqui, ... Environmental Sciences Europe 33, 1-10, 2021 | 31 | 2021 |